whats your first gtr & amp........

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
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8) my first gtr & amp were the fender japan "ST72" black w/maple neck.
and the amp was the fender japan "SIDEKICK 15R". both were from
1987 and they were very good more than i actually needed at the time.
i paid like $850 for that two and on the day i bought them home i just
realized that i cant play nothing easy. i thought i could do some at
least but it wasnt like that........funny i cant remember whom i sold
them to even i still remember of them very well. it was still in the 80s
and just before the guns n roses things came out crazy all over the
world........i was a very deep bryan adams fan then like many of you
guys were........20 years already gone by and cant believe it really
if i think about it now. where did they all go?i miss many things now....

and whats yours then?


8) j.
and whats yours then?
8) j.

I was in grad school in the early 1970's. An undergrad needed money for school bills, and had what turned out to be a 1966/67 Gibson SG, with the lyre tailpiece/tremolo. I think he wanted $225, and I paid him $200.

Not too long after, I bought the 1969 LP Custom from a gentleman with a young family in Omaha. He also had a 1962 Fender Strat, with the tweed case. But, the strat had too much sentimental value to him, and I wound up with just the LPC.

To be honest, I don't play the SG much, it just doesn't have the tone for me. But, the LPC gets a fair bit of work.

As it turns out, and I only realized this a couple months ago, both have pre-T-top patent number p/ups. I knew they had the patent number stickers, and just assumed they were T-tops; which is silly, since the covers have been off since the early 70's. But, both sets of p/ups have bobbins without "T" mold markings; although they do have the orange colored windings, and not the earlier purple wire.

I'd been a bass player back before these, but that's even longer ago. Still have the mid-60's Ampeg B-15N (portaflex), although I had to replace the speaker 40 years ago. I think I still have some of the original tubes stuck in an old box somewhere. Probably needs to be re-capped; there's a good tube amp guy who has worked on a couple of my amps, and hundreds of others, who has quite a few original B-15N and B-15S amps.
A horrible Columbus Les Paul copy with a bolt-on neck, and a transistor amp that was made by a local company who's name I cant remember, soon upgraded to a Yamaha SG-200 and a Carsboro Stigray, 2x12 100W combo with built in 'suzz' (like a cross between sustain & fuzz :D )

My first good gear was a 1974 Fender Strat, and a little Marshall 50W combo.
Joe,..I am a new player of only a couple of years sorry to say, so no interesting story from the years gone by.....But my first was actually a gibson les paul special humbucker :-? ....but know nothing but m.i.j for me :D
hunter said:
Joe,..I am a new player of only a couple of years sorry to say, so no interesting story from the years gone by.....But my first was actually a gibson les paul special humbucker :-? ....but know nothing but m.i.j for me :D

8) thanks for your tasty story mick51 and thats ok bob.
even its only been a couple of years since but you already are given
your unbelievable super gtr collection bob so your chop must be great
in the future by the destiny also by god or something........
i see you practicing like hell in the near future not just buying the gtrs bob.
we will talk about the music itself and the playing then than
just the gears. i be waiting for that bob.
so keep your good daily pickin!


8) from 1977.
Back, way back in 1989, one day I counted my fingers and realised that they were all still there and working perfectly.

Back in 1981, I started out on what I thought was the path to be the next Wayne Gardner, Mick Doohan or Casey Stoner. It was a path that had some satisfying moments and some very testing periods. I suppose anything that is easy is not worth doing.

Well, I broke most of Gardners' lap records around the country, won some races, various State and National Championships but never managed to take it to the International stage, which ultimately, is where it's at, although when International riders came to Australia we certainly held our own.

After spending everything that I had earned and could borrow, and at 28, was frankly considered too old by those that could help me to the next level, the reality that everything that I owned would fit in a suitcase finally bit.

The fingers had not been mangled, and I had always wanted to play guitar.

So, with the help of a friend, we chose a Korean made Profile Vintage Strat copy and a Peavey Rage amp.

I still own the guitar and will never sell it. It is a pretty good player. The Peavey is long gone, and I don't think I have ever missed it. I replaced it with the same amp as Tokai Joe, a Fender Frontman 15R.

Last Christmas, the Fender became present for my younger brother to plug his SG43SW into.

So there is, sort of, 2 first guitar and amp stories in one.
My first guitar and amp were bought in 1979, an Aussie made Vase amp, 100 watt, i think it was a "trend setter" and a Suzuki Les Paul. That guitar was an excellent guitar and combined with the all valve Vase amp it was a great introduction to music or playing for me. I was getting sort of lessons from the other guitarist in our band and after playing for about 6 months he got depressed at the progress i had made and after about 12 months he gave up on guitar and became our bass player... :p We were doing Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and what ever was the flavor of the day.
Ahhhhhh the good old days......

My first guitar was a rickenbacker and first amp a Vox Ac30.

I worked at the local newspaper one year to buy me the complete Paul Weller gear. :lol:
i made my own guitar at 13 with help from my dad, and played through a hifi for 2 years while I did a paper round to save up for my first real guitar, which was a squeir strat, and my dad got me a park 10w all valve amp, which I didnt like because it got all distorted when i turned it up!!!!!
My first amp was so bad that I can't even remember the name. It was one of those things that were covered with carpet :lol:

Until I started to play in a band and to earn some money with music I couldn't afford the next one, a second hand Fender Performer, not too bad but nothing exceptional at all.

Now, my holly grial amp would a low wattage tube amp with two channels; channel one; 60s Blonde Bassman, channel 2; JCM800 :lol: No digital emulation. Does it exist?
The first guitar I ever picked up was a MiJ Tele copy...I don't remember the brand but I played it through a MiJ Coronet amp.
I swapped the tele for a MiJ white SG copy...
A really bad idea coz this was '70's MiJ and it had the typical bicycle reflector pickups and a trem of some description....horrible and still playing through the MiJ Coronet.
THEN...I saved some cash and bought a brand new MiJ Yamaha Super Flighter 500...all Mahogany ...Mahogany neck...kind of a cross between an SG and a LP:

I also saved up for a MiJ ZOOM amp at the same time...50 watt Boogie replica with cream Tolex.
Then I swapped the ZOOM for a brand new Dean Markley amp...F****ING HORRIBLE AMP...squealed and howled at ANY volume.
This setup did me through my first band and midway through that band I bought a Marshall JTM 100 watt from my bass player and a Vintage SG from a mate and that was my setup for most of the early '80's...til I had a brain fart and swapped the Marshall for a Laney :eek:
And the rest as they say is Sydney Metal History... :D
no exciting story here unfortunately, mine was an ibanez rg470 and vox pathfinder 15 amp. I only started playing in around 2000... :)
8) my first gtr & amp were the fender japan "ST72" black w/maple neck.
and the amp was the fender japan "SIDEKICK 15R". both were from
1987 and they were very good more than i actually needed at the time.
i paid like $850 for that two and on the day i bought them home i just
realized that i cant play nothing easy. i thought i could do some at
least but it wasnt like that........funny i cant remember whom i sold
them to even i still remember of them very well. it was still in the 80s
and just before the guns n roses things came out crazy all over the
world........i was a very deep bryan adams fan then like many of you
guys were........20 years already gone by and cant believe it really
if i think about it now. where did they all go?i miss many things now....

and whats yours then?


8) j.

I still have that amp from your link!! It's a Squire 15 MIJ but mine doesn't have the Fender badge on the grillecloth and mine doesn't have reverb. Other than that, it's exactly the same. Now I need to find it!

My first stringed instrument is a Harmony ukelele which I still have. My first electric was a 70's Univox "Gimme" Les Paul (still have 2 just like it) and a small amp top (30 - 50 watts) and a cabinet with three 10" speakers I built in shop class.
got my first guitar when I was 8 or 9; some 'no name' brand nylon string classical

the neck was huge, finger board was flat, the strings were wider than the Rio Grande, and it didn't need an amp :p ...........................

I hated it so much that I ended up playing cello for four years :D
My story is similar to John's. I was around 19 or 20, & I bought a black Avon LP copy (a "Custom" I guess, judging from the fancy headstock) from a schoolmate's brother. Horrible! It's guitars like this that got Japan it's "cheap & nasty" reputation in the 70s.

In late 1983, I made a very smart decision - I bought a Goldstar ST50, new, for ?189. The only mistake I made was getting one with a maple board, it took me a few years to realise that I love rosewood. I didn't own a RW board Goldstar till 2 or 3 years ago, but I wish I had bought one back in 1983!

I don't remember first amps, the first couple I had were not up to much, but at some point in the early 80s I bought a Session Rockette 30, a decent amp with nice reverb. That lasted me till I was playing in a loud rock band in the late 80s, when I sold it and bought a Musicman 112RD 50w combo. That was a nice amp, it's only problem was rather weak reverb.

My first guitar was a Vox single cut salmon pink baby with one pickup and a tremolo. I can remember going with my mum on a bus in 1962 to Bexlyheath to JMI shop to buy it. I wanted a Futurama but we could'nt afford one of those. We could'nt afford an amp then either , so I used to (try to) play it through my dad's tape recorder.
ganzua said:
Now, my holly grial amp would a low wattage tube amp with two channels; channel one; 60s Blonde Bassman, channel 2; JCM800 :lol: No digital emulation. Does it exist?

I don't think he does one in his range, but I imagine that Dennis Cornell could make you one. Probably wouldn't be cheap though.