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May i just sound like the one that has no proof of its authenticity, you can be as defensive as you like but you have nothing that proves its real.Read my posts there is an email address there, use it and find out for yourself.......Here is the email address from the latest Tokai Japan catalogue, i have these sent to me from Japan {but you won't believe that either} Email.... [email protected] Fire away.

Mick's run it's course...from his last post he clearly knew/knows it's one of the faked Tokai.
Like I said...some assholes will do or say anything to get that sale.
leadguitar_323 said:
May i just sound like the one that has no proof of its authenticity, you can be as defensive as you like but you have nothing that proves its real.Read my posts there is an email address there, use it and find out for yourself.......Here is the email address from the latest Tokai Japan catalogue, i have these sent to me from Japan {but you won't believe that either} Email.... [email protected] Fire away.


wow, the similarity is CLEAR and OBVIOUS

[email protected]

[email protected]

again, what was i thinking??
How my mother didn't kill me at birth for being so ignorant
now escapes me........

Look, you morons are clearly convinced,
i'm not.

Sleep well tonight thinking you are right,
i'll sleep fine knowing i am unconvinced.......
Sorry to burst your bubble,
Tokai Gakki is a HUGE motherfucking company that has made guitars for MANY companies and also makes them under their own brand name.
You've really proven your ignorance with that one.
Clearly you don't know your head from your ***.

A "SMALL" company doesn't have factories in Japan, Korea AND China

You are also repeating what i've said already
(do you bother to READ a post before you respond to it?)

I KNOW they make different catalogs for different countries,
i know they make COUNTRY SPECIFIC models, which i went into great depth in a previous post.
How bout you pay attention every once in a while?

leadguitar_323 said:
The only reason some are hard to identify is because they are custom orders, also if you knew a little more than you think ,there are different catalogues for every country. Tokai take between six months and a year to fill orders {MIJ}because they are a small company and if you try and send an email you WILL get a reply. If that email address doesn't work go onto their site and send one this way ....that is what i did originally. I don't profess to be an expert and i {if you read or search the old posts on this subject}i didn't believe it as well, so i was one of the guys here that did shitloads of research on this subject along with a couple of Canadian members and my contacts in Japan and we found out that Active Musical Products in Canada had commissioned these guitars because Tokai wouldn't make the ones that they wanted. We tried to contact AMP but conveniently they have no email address and they don't answer the phones. Some of these guitars were made in the same factory as Dillon guitars and i'm not too sure what the other factory is. As far as copying cheap guitars ....some of mine are worth Thousands and thats why they replicate these guitars as well. If you decide to search this site you will find out most of what you need to know, as there are heaps of things that give these guitars away, the easiest things are the sticker in the cavity and the serial Tokai and try and order parts for it .....then you will know for sure, believe what you want but these are well documented FAKES.

I've done well to keep my cool but my patience is waring thin, you have called me a liar more than once and you have shown not one shred of proof to the contrary, use the email addresses that i have posted, and you will get it direct from Tokai, read these while you wait.

Notice the headstock logo on the 335 copy, i don't know what you expect mate, i don't know how to copy the exact emails i have including all the ones i have from Canada as well, all the info is in these posts you just don't want to see it or believe and i also pity you, you must know some assholes where you are as we don't make it a habit to ******** to people on this forum, just to try and help those that want help, i would suggest you shut you mouth and use the resources i have given you then you can come back and apologize........NOT..

Mate you are a F&^% wit, Tokai is not a huge company at all, once again do your homework, and do you know who they build for.???? there is a thread on that as well and i supplied a list of ALL guitars they build, where do you get your info, Tokai is a small company thats why they outsource a lot of their work ESP is huge but Tokai is small in comparison like Bacchus thats why it takes so long to get their orders out to the stores,and i'm talking the good MIJ ones here, the bulk of their cheaper guitars were coming out of Korea but now it has shifted to China. You continue to make HUGE statments with not a shred of proof, the simple fact is that you are wrong and there is plenty of info to prove this.... Tokai aJapan is not a huge company and when our euro members come on you will look like the complete clown you are , a few have done the Tokai japan tour and have actually been right through the company and once again if you had done your homework you would know this.......YOU KNOW NOTHING......and thats a fact.....

You can't fathom that you could actually be wrong,
and that is why you are dick.

I've admitted that i could be convinced, OVER and OVER,
but your "evidence" is WEAK.

I don't know if that 335 is real or fake, but it sure looks like it COULD be
model made for a different country or region. One where the Tokai logo we are familiar with is NOT the one they are familiar with.
You are projecting almost a succinct bigotry by your attitude.
You are essentially saying that if that is the "Tokai" logo that some other country or region knows as the "real" Tokai logo, then theirs is "Bad" and "Wrong" and thusly "FAKE", while the "GOOD" Tokai logo that YOU know and love is the "right" and "NON fake" one.

Again, the world is bigger than your little town.
Manufacturers do this kind of stuff
ALL THE ******* TIME...............

really man, wake the **** up.

leadguitar_323 said:
I've done well to keep my cool but my patience is waring thin, you have called me a liar more than once and you have shown not one shred of proof to the contrary, use the email addresses that i have posted, and you will get it direct from Tokai, read these while you wait.

Notice the headstock logo on the 335 copy, i don't know what you expect mate, i don't know how to copy the exact emails i have including all the ones i have from Canada as well, all the info is in these posts you just don't want to see it or believe and i also pity you, you must know some assholes where you are as we don't make it a habit to ******** to people on this forum, just to try and help those that want help, i would suggest you shut you mouth and use the resources i have given you then you can come back and apologize........NOT..

Again. dooshbag,

leadguitar_323 said:
Mate you are a F&^% wit, Tokai is not a huge company at all, once again do your homework, and do you know who they build for.???? there is a thread on that as well and i supplied a list of ALL guitars they build, where do you get your info, Tokai is a small company like Bacchus thats why it takes so long to get their orders out to the stores, the bulk of their cheaper guitars were coming out of Korea but now it has shifted to China. You continue to make HUGE statments with not a shred of proof, the simple fact is that you are wrong and there is plenty of info to prove this.... Tokai aJapan is not a huge company and when our euro members come on you will look like the complete clown you are , a few have done the Tokai japan tour and have actually been right through the company and once again if you had done your homework you would know this.......YOU KNOW NOTHING......and thats a fact.....

Have you checked anything out that i have said......yeah thats what i thought. Big mouth and no brains, one bloke ticked you off and now we are all "dooshbags" hahaha what a joke.......send an email to Tokai and find out.....its that easy..then f%#$ off and don't come back, i suspect that will be done for you.. I also said that Tokai DON'T use that logo and that is also a fact, that exact same sticker that is in that fake 335 is in you guitar as well.
This is hilarious.. :lol: :roll:

sure, they are the same two LAME , inconclusive links the guy emailed my via ebay.
I read fast, took me about 2 minutes (the first time)

You clearly aren't even reading what i post, so i'll just stop.

i'm open minded enough to say when i'm wrong.
But so far i'm unconvinced.

As far as your "little factory" BS??

I grew up near the Ovation factory in Ct.(USA)

Now, even before Kaman bought them, would you say they were a "small" company?
Not here in the states you wouldn't.
But if you toured the factory, in Ct.(USA)even pre Kaman,
you'd think it was a small place.
But REALLY, the factory in New Hartford just made the custom guitars and the high end US made ones(and the Adamas line)
Most of the lower range, assembly line stuff was made elsewhere,
in a BIG factory. But you only got to "tour" the cute little custom/highend factory.

Just sayin......

leadguitar_323 said:
Have you checked anything out that i have said......yeah thats what i thought. Big mouth and no brains, one bloke ticked you off and now we are all "dooshbags" hahaha what a joke.......send an email to Tokai and find out.....its that easy..then f%#$ off and don't come back, i suspect that will be done for you..

May i just point out that i have no need to prove it either way.
To me it's a Tokai, and no one here has convinced me otherwise.
I bought a guitar from a friend, it clearly says TOKAI in a recognizable
format on the headstock, so to me it's a tokai.

Had not someone decided to, in a dickish manner, contact me to
insist it was a "fake" i'd never bother you all, and you'd never probably bother me.

If you were in the US and you screwed with my ****, you'd be liable for "Slander" if you couldn't REALLY prove your claims.

Really people, no matter what country, no matter what laws,
you can't just go around yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater
without having actual PROOF there's a fire.

Your info is WEAK, and just because you are convinced,
doesn't mean you are right.

leadguitar_323 said:
May i just sound like the one that has no proof of its authenticity, you can be as defensive as you like but you have nothing that proves its real.Read my posts there is an email address there, use it and find out for yourself.......Here is the email address from the latest Tokai Japan catalogue, i have these sent to me from Japan {but you won't believe that either} Email.... [email protected] Fire away.

You make nothing you say as credible as you abuse everyone or try to discredit everything anyone says so expect to be ridiculed. Check those posts again and one member there is the biggest collector of Tokai in Europe Togps, click on the link and see he has custom order Tokai's that you won't see elsewhere and also is a wealth of correct info. You not only call me a liar but you have discredited everyone else instead of looking at the evidence and asked questions {as most reasonable people do} People like you won't accept anything, i can't find a way to paste the complete emails with their addresses but if you that keen to prove us wrong send what i have posted back to Tokai and i guarantee they will authenticate them, but i doubt you would try that as you don't want to listen to anything.
The Canadian distributor sold these guitars to dealers and even told them that they were "real" which created this problem, actually this is a very old subject as this started happening over 6 years ago, and is known well by the people that are smart enough to listen to good advice. I don't give a stuff how big you think Tokai is and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you have a "fake" tokai....This forum is full of well informed people and for this reason this forum is growing at an amazing rate, so if you are so sure of yourself then post that thing on here and try and sell it, i already know what the result of that would be but i still doubt you would listen....Just curious....why would you think we are trying to deceive you, you come to the best Tokai resource on the planet and you don't believe a thing we have to say. Those email addy's are real ....use and you will find out....then will you get it..!!

You just don't get it, and sorry guys but what a typically American answer .... i'll sue you....sorry buddy but you'd loose, and you would pay my costs as well......My info is have Tokai's email so send it and find out, i've never known anyone to go on with so much crap with out actually trying to find out more info, if you were here in my lounge looking at my guitars and my list of emails and contacts you would be envious, especially if you wanted to know any info about any Japanese made models, i have contacts in Tokai,Bacchus, ESP, just to name a few and this all works out fine for me and i know what i am buying without question, as with many buyers on this forum we savor and protect our contacts because good contacts in Japan are very hard to find as we all know, so get off your high horse, send off the emails that i have given you and get it direct from Tokai or are they full of crap too, i don't think you really want to hear the truth anyway but assuming that we are all liars is just ridiculous.

In your own "third world country, low IQ, low or NO education" way
you've been very typical.

My point with the concept of slander was that if you REALLY had to put your money where your mouth was, you'd drop like a house of cards.
You are just one of a million punks who get up thier "internet courage"
but really don't know what the funk they are talking about.
It's really easy to sit in moms basement and in between masturbation sessions, champion the fight to rid the world of evil guit-doers.
Continued success with that.........

Actually, anyone with half a frikkin brain, would just not bother.
We aren't talking about whirrrled peas, it's a guitar.

You somehow run across an email by "John Q. Tokai" yet you are too stupid to cut and paste or even copy something like an IP address from a header?
(you could track that to a country and region)

Yet you know the world about guitars and all your "Secret" contacts.
God bless ya man, you've really got your priorities straight.

leadguitar_323 said:
You just don't get it, and sorry guys but what a typically American answer .... i'll sue you....sorry buddy but you'd loose, and you would pay my costs as well......My info is have Tokai's email so send it and find out, i've never known anyone to go on with so much crap with out actually trying to find out more info, if you were here in my lounge looking at my guitars and my list of emails and contacts you would be envious, especially if you wanted to know any info about any Japanese made models, i have contacts in Tokai,Bacchus, ESP, just to name a few and this all works out fine for me and i know what i am buying without question, as with many buyers on this forum we savor and protect our contacts because good contacts in Japan are very hard to find as we all know, so get off your high horse, send off the emails that i have given you and get it direct from Tokai or are they full of crap too, i don't think you really want to hear the truth anyway but assuming that we are all liars is just ridiculous.

----- Original Message -----
From: TGC
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:52 PM
Subject: tokai gakki co., ltd.

Dear Mick,

We appreciate you like our guitars.

By the way, we have never made a Zakk Wylde model. So it must be a faked
Tokai guitar. We feel sorry about it. But it is true.

Best regards,

Shohei Adachi

Received: from ( [])
I'm sorry, but more so embarrassed, for you,that you can't grasp the concept that two people can look at the same thing(s) and yet each can walk away with different opinions.

It's a desperately close minded way to lead ones life,
especially for a musician. Or do you not actually PLAY the guitars,
maybe you just buy them to put on your wall?

In your world, there's ever only ONE way to play a song?

I don't need to believe anything about my guitar.
I paid NOTHING for it. i traded a few hours studio time for it.
If i get my price, cool, if i don't, oh, well.
I really just hate ignorant people trying to **** with me.
And trust me, even if you are right, you aren't smart enough to understand why you are right. You bought a line of *****, hook, line and sinker and ran with it like your arse was on fire.
You kinda remind me of movies i've seen about the Hitler youth.
You are all but FROTHING at the mouth because you BELIEVE you are SO right. Maybe you aren't.

Just cause a guy has a large Tokai collection, in Europe, that somehow makes him an expert on "fakes" sold in Canada?

Again, Oh great one, who WAS the Canadian distributor who got canned,
and who is the new one. PLEASE, enlighten me. Shower the truth upon me.

leadguitar_323 said:
You make nothing you say as credible as you abuse everyone or try to discredit everything anyone says so expect to be ridiculed. Check those posts again and one member there is the biggest collector of Tokai in Europe Togps, click on the link and see he has custom order Tokai's that you won't see elsewhere and also is a wealth of correct info. You not only call me a liar but you have discredited everyone else instead of looking at the evidence and asked questions {as most reasonable people do} People like you won't accept anything, i can't find a way to paste the complete emails with their addresses but if you that keen to prove us wrong send what i have posted back to Tokai and i guarantee they will authenticate them, but i doubt you would try that as you don't want to listen to anything.
The Canadian distributor sold these guitars to dealers and even told them that they were "real" which created this problem, actually this is a very old subject as this started happening over 6 years ago, and is known well by the people that are smart enough to listen to good advice. I don't give a stuff how big you think Tokai is and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you have a "fake" tokai....This forum is full of well informed people and for this reason this forum is growing at an amazing rate, so if you are so sure of yourself then post that thing on here and try and sell it, i already know what the result of that would be but i still doubt you would listen....Just curious....why would you think we are trying to deceive you, you come to the best Tokai resource on the planet and you don't believe a thing we have to say. Those email addy's are real ....use and you will find out....then will you get it..!!

Listen clown once again you have proven your low iq and ridiculous grasp of reality, internet courage, do you feel threatened...what a joke, 3rd world idiot you lot fucked the world economy and we are the ONLY western nation not in recession....and thats a fact.....You are obviously an insecure little man with a little dick and need to be a hero online to make you feel BIG...Funny ****. I'd welcome my day in court with the likes of you and for your info mate i'm a guitarist not an internet wizz no computers when i went to school....;feeling bigger.....there are also plenty of guys that have trouble putting pictures and stuff on here and i can tell you that you are offending a lot of people....The problem is you are full of **** but are too stupid too work it out and when you do you wouldn't have the guts to admit fault.....Hmmmm sounds like George w. I don't need to justify myself to you you clown as i have been playing buying, selling and researching guitars for over 30 years.. You have no legitimate response so you resort to name calling as your defense, Have you sent an email to Tokai yet.....your so predictable you idiot, thanks for an entertaining afternoon, your a great ambassador for your country and i pity the good Americans as all we ever see is the ones like you.....completely in denial.....It gets even funnier.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geez, look what i can do too...............

please people, you REALLY think this is STRONG proof????


This is just about as strong as George Bush's proof of
Weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq.
And we know how BADLY that turned out..........

you willing to go to WAR based on that cut and paste????

----- Original Message -----
From: TGC
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2008 9:52 PM
Subject: tokai schmokai co., ltd.

Dear Mick,

We appreciate you like our guitars.

We understand that you are also fond of fondling men,
but we can neither confirm nor deny that our guitars are
made specifically for homosexuals.
We feel sorry about it. But it is true.

Best regards,

Shohei Adachi

Ozeshin said:
----- Original Message -----
From: TGC
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:52 PM
Subject: tokai gakki co., ltd.

Dear Mick,

We appreciate you like our guitars.

By the way, we have never made a Zakk Wylde model. So it must be a faked
Tokai guitar. We feel sorry about it. But it is true.

Best regards,

Shohei Adachi
No, George bush is the best ambassador

; )

Hey, at least they teach us how to spell up here.
And we learn things like paragraphs, and maybe there's a little bit
about sentence structure thrown in..............

Wasn't one of Einstein's early theorems about the inability of a human brain to fully develop when all one ingests is Vegemite and kangaroo tentacles?

leadguitar_323 said:
Listen clown once again you have proven your low iq and ridiculous grasp of reality, internet courage, do you feel threatened...what a joke, 3rd world idiot you lot fucked the world economy and we are the ONLY western nation not in recession....and thats a fact.....You are obviously an insecure little man with a little dick and need to be a hero online to make you feel BIG...Funny ^&*(. I'd welcome my day in court with the likes of you and for your info mate i'm a guitarist not an internet wizz no computers when i went to school....;feeling bigger.....there are also plenty of guys that have trouble putting pictures and stuff on here and i can tell you that you are offending a lot of people....The problem is you are full of ^&*( but are too stupid too work it out and when you do you wouldn't have the guts to admit fault.....Hmmmm sounds like George w. I don't need to justify myself to you you clown as i have been playing buying, selling and researching guitars for over 30 years.. You have no legitimate response so you resort to name calling as your defense, Have you sent an email to Tokai yet.....your so predictable you idiot, thanks for an entertaining afternoon, your a great ambassador for your country and i pity the good Americans as all we ever see is the ones like you.....completely in denial.....It gets even funnier.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from ( [])

That's the i.p address it was sent from....I only got involved now coz Mick asked me how to find the i.p address that the mail was sent from...
I've written you off as a typical trash talking hen pecked redneck yank(appolgies to Marcus et al) and I gave up replying to your dribbling bullsh!t a ways back.
That's the legit I.P a Tracert on it if you want to be anal(instead of just TAKING anal) but I'm done.

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