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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2008
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Hey I saw this guitar on fleabay and from the funny headstock and picture on there i doubted it's authenticity.... I sent the guy a NICE question in this regards, I even stated that I heard that these models were of high quality, i told him to check with this forum if he had doubts and he came back that I was a fool, and basically I shouldn't believe anything I read here, well I'm proud to be a fool but an idiot I'm not and I can tell when people know there stuff and when they don't, I have quite an accurate ******** meter and It doesn't register with the people who I regard at least compared to me "experts" on this little forum. This guitar actually looks like a sweet axe although for me playing is believing, he said since it says Tokai it is a Tokai, and since there has been no statement from Tokai that there is fakes out there they must have made it, Has Tokai ever made such a statement that there are fake's out there or should I just disregard this guy as a total goof which I'm leaning to right now ?
I'm a little bit irritated..
Didn't you post about that issue already a half year ago?
togps said:
I'm a little bit irritated..
Didn't you post about that issue already a half year ago?

You have a memory like a steel trap!
"NICE question"??

Your "question" was actually a CLEAR statement.
I'll encapsulate your email.........

"yours is a fake, the guys at tokai registry say so.......
na na NA na na..........."

Since there was no part AT ALL of a "question" in what you sent me,
i should assume you are a dick AND a liar?

The NES 90 isn't at all like those ES135 clone/abortions.
The headstock and the logo are NOT screwed up.
Buy one or at least see one in person to scrutinize it before you mouth off about it.

Now, the quality isn't like my 80's Tokai Strats and Tele guits,
but their current strats and tele guits ain't 70's/80's quality (n)either.

Like i said in my return email,
who exactly do you think would make a SMALL run of guitars to illegally sell as Tokai?

Made in Korea or china, shipped to North America, import taxes paid....
Etc./Etc. Sold new for $400 or $500 with a case?
People who do that stuff like to MAKE money and thats why they would clone something and face possible litigation for copyright infringement.
Nobody is going go through the process of having these things made, dealing with shipping/customs/distribution to face the wrath of Tokai AND Fender(they own Gretsch) to make a couple-few grand.
If you were going to screw with the Fender" conglomeration, wouldn't you just clone "Fenders" and make some ACTUAL money off it????
Or clone a Gretsch and call it a "gretsch"?????

Or hey, i could be wrong, maybe someone IS actually that stupid.......

I'd read, on this site, a couple years ago,which was a couple of years after it was purchased, that the NES 90's were being billed as Tokai "prototypes". Sounded good enough to me.

Again, can't imagine anybody with half a brain, thinking it was a "money maker" to "clone" a relatively inexpensive japanese guitar that clones a relatively expensive guitar.

brokentoes said:
Hey I saw this guitar on fleabay and from the funny headstock and picture on there i doubted it's authenticity.... I sent the guy a NICE question in this regards, I even stated that I heard that these models were of high quality, i told him to check with this forum if he had doubts and he came back that I was a fool, and basically I shouldn't believe anything I read here, well I'm proud to be a fool but an idiot I'm not and I can tell when people know there stuff and when they don't, I have quite an accurate ******** meter and It doesn't register with the people who I regard at least compared to me "experts" on this little forum. This guitar actually looks like a sweet axe although for me playing is believing, he said since it says Tokai it is a Tokai, and since there has been no statement from Tokai that there is fakes out there they must have made it, Has Tokai ever made such a statement that there are fake's out there or should I just disregard this guy as a total goof which I'm leaning to right now ?
Wow you do have a memory like a steel trap !!! I don't even remember that at all, I'm like an old man repeating the same stories Oh my God !!!! I don't even remember saying Na Na NA na nah nah to this guy with the guitar, i've got to stop smoking so much weed !!!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Gwaggin, but this is not a small custom order or anything else. These guitars are definitely Fakes and we have confirmation of this from Tokai, i'll see if i still have the Email, if i do i will send you a copy. These guitars were made in Korea and YES there were a few small runs of "FAKE" Tokai's made in Korea there are also Fakes coming out of China as well now, and its simply because these guitars are {Tokai Japan} are very good and sort after guitars. There is a Canadian distributor that did just that, he couldn't get the guitars he wanted so he had another factory make them to his specs, if you don't believe us here {and i don't care if you do} send Tokai an email telling them how much you love this model guitar and you will find out yourself. Some other fakes were the Zakk Wylde replica. Don't be surprised if when sold , the new buyer comes here to get it checked out, it happens quite a lot and we will tell him the same thing and he will want his money back, these things have been well and truly proven Fake, once again, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

gwaggin390 said:
"NICE question"??

Your "question" was actually a CLEAR statement.
I'll encapsulate your email.........

"yours is a fake, the guys at tokai registry say so.......
na na NA na na..........."

Since there was no part AT ALL of a "question" in what you sent me,
i should assume you are a dick AND a liar?

The NES 90 isn't at all like those ES135 clone/abortions.
The headstock and the logo are NOT screwed up.
Buy one or at least see one in person to scrutinize it before you mouth off about it.

Now, the quality isn't like my 80's Tokai Strats and Tele guits,
but their current strats and tele guits ain't 70's/80's quality (n)either.

Like i said in my return email,
who exactly do you think would make a SMALL run of guitars to illegally sell as Tokai?

Made in Korea or china, shipped to North America, import taxes paid....
Etc./Etc. Sold new for $400 or $500 with a case?
People who do that stuff like to MAKE money and thats why they would clone something and face possible litigation for copyright infringement.
Nobody is going go through the process of having these things made, dealing with shipping/customs/distribution to face the wrath of Tokai AND Fender(they own Gretsch) to make a couple-few grand.
If you were going to screw with the Fender" conglomeration, wouldn't you just clone "Fenders" and make some ACTUAL money off it????
Or clone a Gretsch and call it a "gretsch"?????

Or hey, i could be wrong, maybe someone IS actually that stupid.......

I'd read, on this site, a couple years ago,which was a couple of years after it was purchased, that the NES 90's were being billed as Tokai "prototypes". Sounded good enough to me.

Again, can't imagine anybody with half a brain, thinking it was a "money maker" to "clone" a relatively inexpensive japanese guitar that clones a relatively expensive guitar.

brokentoes said:
Hey I saw this guitar on fleabay and from the funny headstock and picture on there i doubted it's authenticity.... I sent the guy a NICE question in this regards, I even stated that I heard that these models were of high quality, i told him to check with this forum if he had doubts and he came back that I was a fool, and basically I shouldn't believe anything I read here, well I'm proud to be a fool but an idiot I'm not and I can tell when people know there stuff and when they don't, I have quite an accurate ******** meter and It doesn't register with the people who I regard at least compared to me "experts" on this little forum. This guitar actually looks like a sweet axe although for me playing is believing, he said since it says Tokai it is a Tokai, and since there has been no statement from Tokai that there is fakes out there they must have made it, Has Tokai ever made such a statement that there are fake's out there or should I just disregard this guy as a total goof which I'm leaning to right now ?
It is now a solid,documented FACT that yes...someones did indeed consider it a
"money maker" to "clone" a relatively inexpensive japanese guitar that clones a relatively expensive guitar.
We tell buyers every goddamned day to come here before laying down their hard earned cash....maybe we should also be telling prospective sellers to come here and check the credentials of their guitar instead of arrogantly believing the fact that they bought it from a legitimate source guarantees an authentic Tokai.
Just coz YOU were stupid enough to be fooled....doesn't mean that WE don't know wtf we're all talking about here.
I don't consider myself an MiJ expert by anystretch...but when all the regular forum members combine our knowledge you can pretty much accept what we say as 99.9% correct...except Mick...he's deranged :p
I really don't care either, but i'm gonna hazard a guess that no such email exists. I think the likelyhood that you or ANYBODY got a response from Tokai Japan, and i mean "the MOTHERSHIP" in Japan, is doubtful.
They don't even have a "real" website, they have a bizarre marketing strategy, if they even have one at all, still don't have an english website,
and don't care about the "good" guitars they made back in the 70's/80's.

I've been reading this site for years. Tokai "knowledge" , if you can call it that, is at the VERY LEAST, incomplete. Even the stuff they put out currently is without any support.

I guess "here's a guitar, buy it if you want" is a strategy that works for them.

Don't get me wrong, over the years, i've seen the knowledge base grow,
but it's all been piecemeal, with a skosh of guesswork.
Obviously doesn't give a rats arse.

I'm not saying i KNOW this is or isn't a real one or not.
I believe it's real, it says "TOKAI" in a Tokai like logo,
it plays great and sounds cool. And is a very solid quality guitar.
That's good enough for me.
And frankly, i'm not going to stop the auction because a bunch of guys on a forum THINK it's a fake. If Tokai JAPAN wants to tell ebay that they are wary of a fake(any so called "fake") and stop a particular auction,
there are safeguards in place to do so. I've had it happen even recently when i listed a "Fender" type Pbass body. It wasn't a Fender, just a raw cut, but unpainted Pbass body, but ebay shut it down. They do it all the time.
Perhaps the "alleged" fakes don't get stopped because they really aren't fakes, and Tokai knows it................................hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

This is the only "new" Tokai i have, the other 7 (5 Guitars, 2 Basses)
are 82-85 and i've owned them since the early 90's (when you could still buy them for $200 WITH a hard case)
So i'm not new to this Tokai game, and i don't appreciate the knowitall attitudes, because i know how vague the REAL history of most of this stuff is.

I'm also going to give the "knowitalls" a lesson(for free)
Companies like Tokai, will make different styles for different parts of the word. You see the pics of the Es135 that you all call a fake. Well, it COULD be a model that was only supposed to be for sale in Malaysia. And for that market they decided that "style" of logo goes over better there. And perhaps the Malaysians have a much lower expectation of quality, so they make it junky, and it still sells like hotcakes.
Now, because it is cheap, it sells cheap, so the Canadian rep gets a store in Maylasia to ship him 100. These cost him HALF the price of the ones he's buying direct from Tokai Japan, but he sells them at full Canadian retail.
Few people know better, and most are satisfied, or don't care.

Tokai Japan, would in all likelyhood frown upon this because
1)They want to make more money selling to the Canadian rep.directly
2)They don't want these cheap guitars making it to countries where
the expectation of quality is perhaps higher, and the low quality
models diminish the Tokai brand and hurt sales.

This type of stuff is done ALL THE TIME, by companies
Different countries have different consumer protection laws and thus,
sometimes what is for sale in those countries can vary GREATLY from what one would buy in the US/Canada/EU

And in all likelihood, the Malaysian models wouldn't appear in any ENGLISH catalog. In fact what's the likelihood that someone from our side of the world would have access to the "Tokai 2007 Malaysian catalog"??????

An obvious example of what i'm talking about
would be the Gibson "Orville" line.
Made by the REAL Gibson factory.
Made in Japan, for sale ONLY in Japan.
Once they made it to US soil i'm sure people said
"OH MY GOD THEY ARE FAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"they are Gib-FAKE-son guitars!!!!"

And once they got off their high horse, the smart ones realized they were good guitars, and could be had at a good price.
i'll take my example even further.
I lived in Ct. near a non Fender, non Gibson guitar dealer who imported both NEW Orville and NEW Japan made, for sale only in Japan, Matching color headstock REAL Fender Strats and Telecasters.
Dude puts an ad in the local newspaper advertising them.
A week later a Fender rep walks into his store with Sheriff with a cease and desist order, and they walk out with all the Fender guitars.
Guess what? The Gibson rep walked in about 3 hours later with another sheriff and another cease and desist order.
I was there for the second one.

It's the way the world works, it's what manufacturers do, and it's subsequently what industrious "importers" do.

The smart ones keep it out of the newspaper tho.
PS- he found out later, that all he had to do was call them "used",
and Fender and Gibson would have had NO case.

Ya'll can believe all of this or not, don't care, i know its all true.

leadguitar_323 said:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Gwaggin, but this is not a small custom order or anything else. These guitars are definitely Fakes and we have confirmation of this from Tokai, i'll see if i still have the Email, if i do i will send you a copy. These guitars were made in Korea and YES there were a few small runs of "FAKE" Tokai's made in Korea there are also Fakes coming out of China as well now, and its simply because these guitars are {Tokai Japan} are very good and sort after guitars. There is a Canadian distributor that did just that, he couldn't get the guitars he wanted so he had another factory make them to his specs, if you don't believe us here {and i don't care if you do} send Tokai an email telling them how much you love this model guitar and you will find out yourself. Some other fakes were the Zakk Wylde replica. Don't be surprised if when sold , the new buyer comes here to get it checked out, it happens quite a lot and we will tell him the same thing and he will want his money back, these things have been well and truly proven Fake, once again, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


"Proof", is Tokai putting something on thier website about fakes
"Proof", is them yanking a distributorship or dealership from someone who is selling clones of clones
"Proof", is them stopping the auctions of the alleged "fakes" on ebay

Seems like none of this is or HAS happened.

It's just a gaggle of idiots on a forum, who have teamed up with CHICKEN LITTLE to scream
"THE SKY IS FALLING!!! Someone is making Tokai FAKES"

oh the horror................

It is now a solid,documented FACT that yes...someones did indeed consider it a
"money maker" to "clone" a relatively inexpensive japanese guitar that clones a relatively expensive guitar.
We tell buyers every goddamned day to come here before laying down their hard earned cash....maybe we should also be telling prospective sellers to come here and check the credentials of their guitar instead of arrogantly believing the fact that they bought it from a legitimate source guarantees an authentic Tokai.
Just coz YOU were stupid enough to be fooled....doesn't mean that WE don't know wtf we're all talking about here.
I don't consider myself an MiJ expert by anystretch...but when all the regular forum members combine our knowledge you can pretty much accept what we say as 99.9% correct...except Mick...he's deranged :p[/quote]
Dudes... I'm sorry I emailed this guy, I am sorry I brought this subject up, I didn't want him to yank his ebay sale, nor did I ask him to. i just thought I might let him know for his own knowledge that his git might not be genuine, I've been backtracking my own posts to this forum thanks to topgs and realise I have the memory of a goldfish !!!! I don't know how I can remember how to play 1000 songs but can't remember what I wrote 2 months ago. I wiil not be pushing the "ask a seller a question" button on ebay anymore, more trouble than it's worth, Jesus Christ and it's almost Christmas, I didn't want to start a war.

Sorry to all

Before you lower yourself to name calling maybe you should do some research...... :eek: Tokai canceled its distributorship with its Canadian distributor a couple of years ago for this very reason, you sir are an IDIOT.
This forum is full of Tokai dealers and if you had bothered to do a search of this site you would already know this. I have had contact with Tokai on a number of occasions as have a lot of others on this forum and if you want to believe yourself before finding out any facts then you deserve to be ripped off. You can carry on all you like mate but YOU ARE WRONG. By coming here and calling us all idiots makes you out to be a complete idiot yourself.

Have fun selling your fake mate as we have plenty of proof and i might just report this to ebay just to prove you wrong....Christ where do these people come from .....And for your info "broken toes bought one and i'm sorry he seems to have an attitude and memory problem but like i said......DO YOUR HOMEWORK...... :eek:

You got you're trying to offload your Dillion onto people who actually want a Tokai.
Post up the serial number and I'll even tell you which Korean maker built that guitar.
Say what you like fool but WE know what we know about the Canadian Fakes so you trying to rationalize your argument with all that "Malaysian" crap is just that CRAP.
Some assholes will say ANYTHING to make a sale eh :roll:
Oh and as for :
"Proof", is them yanking a distributorship or dealership from someone who is selling clones of clones
...that exactly what happened.
Reading these forums for years my *** :roll:'ve been proven very wrong....we DO have written correspondence from the President of Tokai regarding the Canadian Fake Tokai that we may or may not post publicly(I feel that it would breech some trade practice laws or at the very least betray the trust that Mr.Adachi has in this site) but I'll leave that up to was his email address that the replies were sent to.
So yes...we have whatever "proof" you think that you require..hence the reason that we DO in fact know much more about the situation than you clearly seem to.
So let it're ill informed comments are not welcome.
leadguitar_323 said:
There is more CORRECT info on this site about Tokai than anywhere else on the net ...infact the world......Get over it..!!!!!!!


Well, obviously, but i think you think that carries some great weight.........

Hey i'm not LOOKING to knock the site, it has grown into a cool resource.
But with such a thing, comes the inevitable know-it-alls.
I've known about them and played them and owned them
for almost 20 years, howbout YOU??

Look, when you see posts, over and over, about
"Hey whats this Tokai??"
and no one really has an answer, it's obvious that the knowledgebase is incomplete, and since Tokai Japan doesn't care. There's no official

It's not a big deal either way, but yer actin a little too big fer yer breetches.

This bloke is never going to believe a thing we say.....The guitar in question has the wrong sticker in the cavity as well ....very easy to verify. I just checked my email and i don't know how to post it with the address but i will put in this post the Email address and you can do it for yourself.
[email protected] This is the addy i got back from Mr Adachi {tokai president} and this is the email...
"Dear Mick,

We appreciate you like our guitars.

By the way, we have never made a Zakk Wylde model. So it must be a faked
Tokai guitar. We feel sorry about it. But it is true.

Best regards,

Shohei Adachi

This was an email sent to Tokai about a guitar that was widely discussed on this forum....believe it or not.

I also have a contact in Japan who is a high end luthier for Tokai and this is where i get most of my information i also buy from a couple of Japanese Tokai dealers, i don't care what you believe but you are wasting your time and making yourself out to be an ignorant fool if you think the proliferation of Dealers on this site are all wrong........You just can't help some people........Want to buy a custom order Tokai guitar....just send me a PM and i'll get you a quote....... :eek:


PS i can't wait for our Euro dealers to come online.... :lol:

PS again..I am 45 and have been playing for 30 years, i also have 2 very rare Tokai's that are both custom orders...Bet you can't buy these anywhere else.
The math is simple SCHMARTASH,

Show the proof,
Do, as we say here in the states, and
"Put your money where your mouth is"

If you somehow prove it is a fake, will you feel as potent as Batman, having foiled a big bad crime?
Really man, get a grip.
I paid squat for the guitar. My friend bought it new with a case for less than
$500 including shipping. There's no agenda, other than to make sure the gaggle of babbling idiots is either actually telling the truth, actually has REAL PROOF, or is actually ill informed.
You CAN convince me, you just haven't.

And really, to save you from embarrassment ahead of time, don't cut and paste something you just "make up"

btw- the serial number is "gofunkyourself"

Ozeshin said:
You got you're trying to offload your Dillion onto people who actually want a Tokai.
Post up the serial number and I'll even tell you which Korean maker built that guitar.
Say what you like fool but WE know what we know about the Canadian Fakes so you trying to rationalize your argument with all that "Malaysian" crap is just that CRAP.
Some assholes will say ANYTHING to make a sale eh :roll:
Oh and as for :
"Proof", is them yanking a distributorship or dealership from someone who is selling clones of clones
...that exactly what happened.
Reading these forums for years my *** :roll:'ve been proven very wrong....we DO have written correspondence from the President of Tokai regarding the Canadian Fake Tokai that we may or may not post publicly(I feel that it would breech some trade practice laws or at the very least betray the trust that Mr.Adachi has in this site) but I'll leave that up to was his email address that the replies were sent to.
So yes...we have whatever "proof" you think that you require..hence the reason that we DO in fact know much more about the situation than you clearly seem to.
So let it're ill informed comments are not welcome.

if the dealers and distributors know there are fakes, why aren't they doing anything about them?
They LIKE losing money???
You make no sense.
You sound like a guy who wants to believe something is true,
so much so that it no longer matters whether it actually is or not.........

and ok, who EXACTLY was the previous Canadian distributor, and who is the new one? Enlighten me

leadguitar_323 said:
Before you lower yourself to name calling maybe you should do some research...... :eek: Tokai canceled its distributorship with its Canadian distributor a couple of years ago for this very reason, you sir are an IDIOT.
This forum is full of Tokai dealers and if you had bothered to do a search of this site you would already know this. I have had contact with Tokai on a number of occasions as have a lot of others on this forum and if you want to believe yourself before finding out any facts then you deserve to be ripped off. You can carry on all you like mate but YOU ARE WRONG. By coming here and calling us all idiots makes you out to be a complete idiot yourself.

Have fun selling your fake mate as we have plenty of proof and i might just report this to ebay just to prove you wrong....Christ where do these people come from .....And for your info "broken toes bought one and i'm sorry he seems to have an attitude and memory problem but like i said......DO YOUR HOMEWORK...... :eek:

The only reason some are hard to identify is because they are custom orders, also if you knew a little more than you think ,there are different catalogues for every country. Tokai take between six months and a year to fill orders {MIJ}because they are a small company and if you try and send an email you WILL get a reply. If that email address doesn't work go onto their site and send one this way ....that is what i did originally. I don't profess to be an expert and i {if you read or search the old posts on this subject}i didn't believe it as well, so i was one of the guys here that did shitloads of research on this subject along with a couple of Canadian members and my contacts in Japan and we found out that Active Musical Products in Canada had commissioned these guitars because Tokai wouldn't make the ones that they wanted. We tried to contact AMP but conveniently they have no email address and they don't answer the phones. Some of these guitars were made in the same factory as Dillon guitars and i'm not too sure what the other factory is. As far as copying cheap guitars ....some of mine are worth Thousands and thats why they replicate these guitars as well. If you decide to search this site you will find out most of what you need to know, as there are heaps of things that give these guitars away, the easiest things are the sticker in the cavity and the serial Tokai and try and order parts for it .....then you will know for sure, believe what you want but these are well documented FAKES.

I've known about them and played them and owned them
for almost 20 years, howbout YOU??
Played the same LS80 for 25 years.

It's not a big deal either way, but yer actin a little too big fer yer breetches.
You don't expect us to be defensive of a make of guitar that we all clearly love?
I'm sure you love the legit Tokai that you own...but when it's pointed out to you that one of the Tokai in your collection is a KNOWN fake don't shoot the messenger.
As I stated...we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt which Canadian market Tokai are fake and which are legit.
People ask and we respond.
Look, when you see posts, over and over, about
"Hey whats this Tokai??"
and no one really has an answer, it's obvious that the knowledgebase is incomplete, and since Tokai Japan doesn't care. There's no official
I can't remember the time when a "What Tokai is this" post went unanswered.
I never comment on the SS/GS or Breezy's coz I don't own any.
I own Tokai,Maya and Emperador MiJ guitars so I try to limit my comment to those .
As stated elsewhere in numerous posts...the members here know what to look for in the Canadian Faked Tokai..who faked them...the factories involved and the disgraced distributor again...don't shoot the messengers.
Wow dude, really?

well, i'm COMPLETELY WRONG, guess i will RIP that auction down
out of pure SHAME.
What was i ever thinking?????


leadguitar_323 said:
This bloke is never going to believe a thing we say.....The guitar in question has the wrong sticker in the cavity as well ....very easy to verify. I just checked my email and i don't know how to post it with the address but i will put in this post the Email address and you can do it for yourself.
[email protected] This is the addy i got back from Mr Adachi {tokai president} and this is the email...
"Dear Mick,

We appreciate you like our guitars.

By the way, we have never made a Zakk Wylde model. So it must be a faked
Tokai guitar. We feel sorry about it. But it is true.

Best regards,

Shohei Adachi

This was an email sent to Tokai about a guitar that was widely discussed on this forum....believe it or not.

I also have a contact in Japan who is a high end luthier for Tokai and this is where i get most of my information i also buy from a couple of Japanese Tokai dealers, i don't care what you believe but you are wasting your time and making yourself out to be an ignorant fool if you think the proliferation of Dealers on this site are all wrong........You just can't help some people........Want to buy a custom order Tokai guitar....just send me a PM and i'll get you a quote....... :eek:


PS i can't wait for our Euro dealers to come online.... :lol:

PS again..I am 45 and have been playing for 30 years, i also have 2 very rare Tokai's that are both custom orders...Bet you can't buy these anywhere else.

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