Is this a long tenon on my Diodati?

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Is this a long tenon?

It's the neck joint on my Diodati Goldtop 56. It doesn't look super long, but it seems a little bit longer than normal for a les paul -- true?

Thanks Jim!

The maker called it a long-tenon, but from what I've seen here
I doubted it. The shape of the heel of the neck is supposed to
be larger, too -- not angled, but straight, but I can't verify that.
I suppose medium's better than nothing .. 'no tenon' (?) Is that

-- Bill
I love them!

I have two: a 56 goldtop and 58 sunburst. The link used to be, but it doesn't resolve anymore.

They both are made in the Tokia factory and start from an LS65/70 with extras added from there. They have top-of-line schaller hardware and Gotoh PAFS (not sure of the model). I've potted the pickups with vinyl sanding sealer and think they sound great!.

I love these guitars and will probably never sell them. I got them for 600-700 US and still think they were a total steal. Whenever I return to them, the impress me with their tuning stability, sound, feel and playability. I'm able to keep pretty low action of 3.5/64 (high e) on both consistently throughout the year. The rosewood is dark on the fretboards and the bodies resonate very well. The shape is a dead ringer for the Heritage les paul style. The headstock is original, but suits the guitar very well.
I've used them in the studio and live and they are just great. If you run across one, I'd recommend picking it up. (I've since learned through this forum that I now have 3 tokais: my 2 diodatis and a Fender CIJ Blueburst thinline nashville -- none of them says Tokai on the headstock, but they all scream it when you play it!)

I really wish he were still in business as I was about to get a quilttop.
Pete Diodati is a great guy and gave me lifetime free setup on both of them for ever (I think it's even transferable through sales). He's about 1.25 hours away so it clinched the deal.


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