Can Someone Please Help Me With My Tokai Breezysound

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Aug 14, 2002
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can someone please help me with some information on the guitar beacuse i know little about it its a tokai breezysound tele copy on the headstock it has tokai in capitals and breezysound written small underneath the letters are all filled balck unlike the others i hav seen on photos its got a maple neck and the body is red with white lines around the outside its not painted the actuakl wood is like red it has a white scratch plate its got a 3 saddle bridge with final prospec written on it the number on the back of the neck on the like metal plate is 13692 info on its value would be extremely useful and also any specs when it was made etc i bought it used last year for ?250 GBP Plase Help!!!!
It could be from 1983 if the Tokai logo is all black (check the Guitars link on the Tokai registry home page). If it has a binding it could be a TE-120, I don't know if there was another model with bindings.
