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Oct 30, 2015
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Besides changed parts is there anything about this Tokai's neck and body routes, stamps, finsih, logo, or anything at all to suggest it is not an actual early 80s Tokai?

hoping for some experts to chime in.

I am the new owner of this guitar and no one in Sydney has a clue what it is.
For one is it a refinished 80's or later Korean/Chinese GS100 or similar?
Not one person on eBay could discern it either! Guitar looks brand new but is meant to be 30 years old! ?? Nitro but poor quality finish. Two piece. Ceramic pickups. Serial no. would suggest '54 or '56 copy?? It remains a mystery .. cheers
Shouldn't it have a stamp with the colour code in the body rout? There's only one wiew where it could possibly be discerned, but I don't see one. Otherwise, it looks good to me.
Sunburst said:
I am the new owner of this guitar and no one in Sydney has a clue what it is.
For one is it a refinished 80's or later Korean/Chinese GS100 or similar?
Not one person on eBay could discern it either! Guitar looks brand new but is meant to be 30 years old! ?? Nitro but poor quality finish. Two piece. Ceramic pickups. Serial no. would suggest '54 or '56 copy?? It remains a mystery .. cheers

The community involved with these guitars is very small.
I am sure most major cities in the world are lacking a single Tokai expert and many, if not most, accomplished luthiers know next to nothing about them.

The true experts are on this forum.

Hopefully more will chime in and/or the ones that have explain their conclusions in detail.
whatd the issue here it has the correct stamps in the body and the neck 7=3 iy looks fine obviously some changed parts, but its essentially a nice gok#ldstar, if its a 1 piece body and nitro its a 100, for the price you paid you should be very happy... as to it looking brand new, tarnished frets, tuners, and pickup polepieces point to some age not new...
Neck is completely legit with Deluxe tuners. I can't see the body stamps but routing is correct for pre-'85. It has replacement electrics and bridge.

If it is nitro, it would be worthy of restoring with E pickup assembly, and would probably be an ST-80 if it is 2 piece.

Nitro has a habit of 'sinking' into the grain over time (depending on temperature and humidity) and so this might explain what you describe as the poor finish. There is no such thing as a goldie St 100.this guitar is an ST 50.