Would like to know some things about this guitar.

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de Nick

New member
Dec 11, 2007
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I hope you can help me with this one:

I bet on this guitar and it seems, that the winner of the auction won`t pay for it, so the one who sells it, asked me if I would take it for that price?

What do you think about it? Got deal?

Is it realy from 1979? Condition is very good, I`d say.

I hope you can help me with my decision.

Thank you so far

Yeah, I already looked around at this homepage, but I don`t realy know what I`m looking for.

How am I able to find out the manufacturing date?

And the page doesn`t tell me anything about the average costs (value) of a guitar ;-)
I'd say Volker is right.

I still don't like this headstock and probably never will. But she looks alright (if you are into this type of headstock).

de Nick said:

I hope you can help me with this one:

I bet on this guitar and it seems, that the winner of the auction won`t pay for it, so the one who sells it, asked me if I would take it for that price?

What do you think about it? Got deal?

Is it realy from 1979? Condition is very good, I`d say.

I hope you can help me with my decision.

Thank you so far


Where did you get the offer from? Was it an official 'second chance' offer from eBay? Check the email adress. It may very well be a scam.

de Nick said:

I hope you can help me with this one:

I bet on this guitar and it seems, that the winner of the auction won`t pay for it, so the one who sells it, asked me if I would take it for that price?

Surely the seller should be offering the guitar to you at the highest price that you bid, not the price bid by the winner? Doesn't sound quite right to me. :-?

Well, but I don`t have to take it for that price ;-)

I haven`t been at home when the auction ended.

I`m not realy in use with "vintage prices". So ask you:

Is this price ok?

I realy like the look of the guitar (cream white and big head stock) and I need a "new" guitar, `cause mine sounds really sh***.

The SS36 was the lowest model produced to that time right? Which "up to date" guitar could be compared with this old one, or isn`t that possible? (Maybe a fender mexican?)
And are the current Tokai guitars of better quality than the old ones?

I hope, I don`t sound to stupid^^


I can't really comment on the Silver Stars as I've never played one. Also, I don't like the large headstocks or the 3 bolt neck joints, which tended to be weaker than the 4 bolt joints. Bear in mind that they were copies of 70s Fender Strats, which are generally considered to be the worst period of Fender's production.

Some people here reckon the Silver Stars are good, others disagree. Personally, I'd try to get an 83/4/5 Goldstar, which are excellent guitars for the money (under ?300 on eBay here in the UK), and easily better than the Fender Mexico stuff.

I'll leave Silver Star owners to comment on the guitar you're considering.
I have a ss36 and I think its a great guitar, especially for the money. They may be copies of 70's strats but remember Tokai copied the design NOT the build quality.

There was nothing wrong with design of the 3 bolt neck plate (actually designed by Leo Fender). It was just badly executed by Fender. The neck on my SS is as solid as any of by 4 bolt strats and the microtilt makes the action\neck angle a bit better.

Until recently I never really liked the Large Headstock, but the SS has really changed my mind. I have played a few 70's strats and the SS is easily as good, if not better.

Go on buy one, they are vintage guitar bargains!
I have a 1984 Gold Star(ST50) and a Silver Star(SS40) from the same period. I would say the Gold Star is the better instrument. However, I love the Silver Star. I have a 1979 American Strat which is in a box waiting to be sold, at the right time. The SS40 wipes the floor with it.I think the price is about right,give or take 20-30 euro's.
I have to side with the "Be Careful" crew. Make sure it is an official second chance offer and then pay no more than your highest bid. Otherwise it is a scam.
Way over the odds its to much money for a lower model SS .You can buy a good Goldstar for that kind of money and i mean a GOOD one.Be careful with the listing as he said the pickguard has been changed but the rest is PROBABLY original,he has chose his words carefully.Just my views,i wouldnt buy it. :wink: