Tokai (or other Japanese) Jag/Mustang/Jazzmaster copies?

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2007
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Lancashire, UK
Did any of the major Japanese manufacturers produce any MIJ copies of the Fender Jaguar, Mustang and/or Musicman? Any recommendations on models? Ta!
You can get some by Fender Japan! You can saw them here:
Thanks, Ti-Ron. I did play one of them last time I was over there, but it was an odd configuration - HH or something - and the poly finish was about three inches thick, which didn't feel too nice. I'm really looking for one with a nitro neck.
I can answer your question regarding the Jag... Greco made a JM and Jag copy in the early 80's and the Fender released an MIJ model around '86. The Greco copies are exceedingly rare and a bit pricey by MIJ guitar standards. They are cool as heck though and I would love to have one in my collection. The mid 80's and early to mid 90's MIJ Fender guitars are not the most accurate re-issues given the basswood bodies and the pickups are typically thought to be pretty lousy though some will swear by them. CIJ Jaguars (after 96 or so IIRC) are a bit better but still not quite in the same league as an American Vintage RI guitar and given the lousy exchange rate for the US dollar, if your in the US the AVRI is a much better deal. I know next to nothing about mustangs and mustang copies unfortunately. If you want more info on the jag though check out It's Jaguar and Jazzmaster nerd city. I know becuase I help run the joint. :)
Jay - you're a star, thank you!

I'm in the UK, though i'll be working in the states in August. May have a hunt around for a reissue then. Are the US reissues nitro?

Edit: on the neck, at least? (I'm not fussed about the body!)
Assuming the JMs are like the Strats & Teles, from some time around the early 90s the Fender USRIs apparently had a poly sealant coat under the nitro top coats. Which isn't perfect, but isn't the end of the world either. Can you try one of the new vintage re-issues in a shop near you?

Nope, unfortunately not. Still haven't ever been to Denmark street - every time I go through London I end up in a rush to catch a train.
Bacchus do a jazzmaster. Hisashi currently has one on his ebay page.

here's the link:


The only thing resembling a Jazzmaster about that Bacchus is the shape and scale length and I got the impression the original poster was looking for a short scale guitar since he was inquiring about Mustang's and Jag's. Very cool looking guitar though!
AlanN said:
Nope, unfortunately not. Still haven't ever been to Denmark street - every time I go through London I end up in a rush to catch a train.

Shame, there's usually been at least one JM on the wall at Regent Sounds when I've been in there. Not sure if they were MIA or MIJ, probably US, they don't have much Japanese stuff.

I don't think I've ever tried a JM, I'm not really sure what the point of a JM is - what will it do that a Strat or a Tele won't do? :eek:
stratman323 said:
I don't think I've ever tried a JM, I'm not really sure what the point of a JM is - what will it do that a Strat or a Tele won't do? :eek:

The original Fender JMs sound absolutely gorgeous- if you like clean, shimmering sounds it's the guitar for you. And the trem system is much better than on a strat, especially if you fit the thing that makes the strings not fall off :-? :)
BUT it's not a rock 'n' roll guitar at all which is basically why it bombed originally.
AFAIK the Japan reissue ones have neither the right pups nor the right woods... :cry:

mrsuspend said:
BUT it's not a rock 'n' roll guitar at all which is basically why it bombed originally.

Well you say that, but the JMs only real success has been as a rock guitar. It was Fender's attempt to capture the jazz market, but when did you ever see a serious jazz player play a JM? It's more of a sort of Indie favourite now, isn't it?

Mind you, neither the Tele nor the Strat were designed for rock n' roll. Leo liked both types of music - country and western!

stratman323 said:
mrsuspend said:
BUT it's not a rock 'n' roll guitar at all which is basically why it bombed originally.

Well you say that, but the JMs only real success has been as a rock guitar. It was Fender's attempt to capture the jazz market, but when did you ever see a serious jazz player play a JM? It's more of a sort of Indie favourite now, isn't it?

I didn't even think of jazz when I wrote that - my dad would be ashamed of me :)
What I meant was that it doesn't respond that well to heavy distortion and fuzzboxes but sounds fantastic clean. Quite a few jangly/dreamy Brit 80's groups used JM's, such as Cocteau Twins and The Cure if memory serves.

It was only picked up as an indie/grunge favourite as they were the poor cousins of the strat and tele; you could get an amazing US-made sixties/seventies fender for bugger all at the time. Now they're considerably more popular, the prices are a bit restrictive!

The JM has a sound all of its own - it has tone by the bucketload. It certainly didn't get picked up by many jazz guitarists, granted, but king Elvis (Costello, not the fat one) got his own signature model, so don't write them off as Indie only!
I saw the Costello model, looks interesting. But aren't those "tone circuits" just an unnecessary complication? I suppose I must try a JM one day, but the short scale of the Jag would put me off.
mrsuspend said:
stratman323 said:
I don't think I've ever tried a JM, I'm not really sure what the point of a JM is - what will it do that a Strat or a Tele won't do? :eek:

The original Fender JMs sound absolutely gorgeous- if you like clean, shimmering sounds it's the guitar for you. And the trem system is much better than on a strat, especially if you fit the thing that makes the strings not fall off :-? :)
BUT it's not a rock 'n' roll guitar at all which is basically why it bombed originally.
AFAIK the Japan reissue ones have neither the right pups nor the right woods... :cry:


Buzzstops (the thing you fit to the trem) will change the character of the guitar, Jazzmaster or Jaguar quite a bit. IMO for the worse. What happens is it dampens the strings behind the bridge eliminating all the extra overtones that are part of these guitars unique and rich sound. In particular with the JM since the trem is further away from the bridge leaving a slightly longer length of string there. The buzzstop also increases the tension on the guitar fairly dramatcially making 11's feel closer to 12's in stiffness. A properly set up guitar doesn't need it anyway as it makes very little difference in sustain unless the bridge/nut is a mess and/or someone has installed 9's on one.

As for what a JM does that a strat or tele can't do you're right. I should probably sell my Rickenbackers and my Les Paul. While I'm at it I might as well get rid of my Hagstroms and the Electric XII. Plus, if I sell all of my Jazzmaster's and my Jag I can maybe chip in another 10 or 20k and buy a nice vintage strat and tele and have everything I'd ever need! :lol:
Being (in some respects) a man of extremes I'd probably be perfectly happy with just a Jazzmaster and a Gibson Junior. 8)

That said, I'm on the lookout for a reasonably priced rosewood Silver Star... :p
