So... going to an audition

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Active member
May 8, 2006
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I've been so fortunate to have been called to an audition for a local band. (Hoping that my 2006 LS-150 will impress them enough to hire me :p )
My problem is that I get terribly nervous. I'm trying to learn the songs by ear and I'm doing okay, but I'm afraid that I'll choke at the audition. Does anyone have a good trick agains the nerves? I'm kind of keen to get this job, and I would hate to let my nerves f**k it up for me :(

Any help?

Btw. it's this band:
Well, you've no doubt been practicing their stuff at home. Just close your eyes for a moment before you start playing, envision yourself in the comfort and mind set of being at home - then have at it.

You'll always get puckered before you hit the first note of any audtion or gig - doesn't go away. You just learn how to manage it and use it to your advantage.
Good advice Marcus, I've played 100's of gigs and you always get nervous before you play. Just don't worry, as soon as you hear the wonderful sounds of your guitar the nerves will go :)
One other tip someone gave me once, it's an old stage acting trick to help settle the jitters - pick out one person in the club (or room) - hopefully a cute chick and play to HER all nite. Takes the pressure off of all the other audience being there - unless of course as with our gigs, she's the only one in the room..... :wink:
Thanks for the advice guys
I'm not going to single out anyone in the room since all that's going to be there are 4 sweaty guys and me :-?
Kimling said:
Thanks for the advice guys
I'm not going to single out anyone in the room since all that's going to be there are 4 sweaty guys and me :-?

Then look at them as lads who put their pants on the same way you do - one leg at a time - no different. Play what you feel - let them recognize the song but make it your own. They don't want a clone - they want someone who brings something to the mix. Good luck and as they say, break a leg and leave an impression.
What i do is pick a couple of their songs that i like the most and start with them, it usually helps break the ice, loosen up the fingers and with a bit of luck it will loosen the puckered bum as well :lol: John, why do you still get nervous before every gig ? Once i'm familiar with new material and am comfortable with the band, i can't wait to get on stage... :p

HAH...funny you should say that Mick...I got a gig for you in Cooyar in September :p
You need to have confidence in your playing ability to start with.
If your ear's good you can generally wing anything if you've heard it a few times before.
I play in a classic rock cover band so 90% of the songs we play I heard a couple of hundred times on the radio for years...and the rest were songs that we ALL know how to play...Sweet home Alabama...Smoke on the water etc.
If they're playing original material you really need to listen to the songs as much as possible and play along whenever possible.
Best of luck m8 8)
leadguitar_323 said:
John, why do you still get nervous before every gig ?

It's actually been a good while since I've done a gig, but I used to get nervous before big gig's, or important gig's, don't know really why, certainly not fear that I would mess up, just "I hope this goes well" butterflies.
I USED to get REALLY bad nerves...bad to the point of stuffing up gigs.
It only happened twice very early on.
NOW I get hyper before a gig and I'm the worst person to be around between sets coz all I want to do is get back onstage.
When I DO get onstage I'm like a blue arsed fly...all over the stage like a madman.
I come from the Thin Lizzy school of stage moves and Scott Gorham was IT for me for stage presence and playing an Explorer there is a law written somewhere that states that one MUST throw rockstar poses at every opportunity. 8)
Kimling said:
I've been so fortunate to have been called to an audition for a local band. (Hoping that my 2006 LS-150 will impress them enough to hire me :p )
My problem is that I get terribly nervous. I'm trying to learn the songs by ear and I'm doing okay, but I'm afraid that I'll choke at the audition. Does anyone have a good trick agains the nerves? I'm kind of keen to get this job, and I would hate to let my nerves f**k it up for me :(

Any help?

Btw. it's this band:

So what happened on the audtion? How'd it go? :eek: