How to Buy Overseas....

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Feb 20, 2006
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Hi, greetings to you all..
I live in the USA, and was wondering how i could place an order on a tokai guitar.
Should i just buy off ebay? Or any other retailer i should know?
It's the talbo blazing fire (BF100 BL), I would really like to know the price for the guitar and some reviews and feed back...
And does it use 9V batteries on the back? I was just wonderin.
G-son said:
Should i just buy off ebay? Or any other retailer i should know?
It's the talbo blazing fire (BF100 BL), I would really like to know the price for the guitar and some reviews and feed back...
And does it use 9V batteries on the back? I was just wonderin.
Hmm, that's not found too often on Ebay, but I remember that had a lot of Talbos listed when I looked the last time. But that included all Talbo models, not only the Blazing Fire.

You have to fill in "Tokai" there or scroll to that name in the dropdown list, then click the left button to start the search.

By the way, still quite a bit of NOS high end Love Rocks there... :eek:

If you use Google's service, they won't translate the whole page, but you could at least copy & paste the text parts to their translation form:

I remember that could translate the complete page/URL, but somehow they won't work with my browser settings anymore:
One more question
Should i call them or have a word before buying overseas?
And how do I confirm that?

I'm very new at buying stuff from the internet so plz be detailed.
I got a older Black Talbo off of the Internet about 4 weeks ago - Music Ground in Leeds had it... got it delivered for just under $900.00 (with about $175.00 of that being for DHL Express from England to the U.S.). If you find a Talbo online call the shop. I emailed back and forth with Adam from Music Ground and he was very helpful. But I finally got up at 4 a.m. to call them and ASK questions on the phone too...

Most Talbos don't have batteries - maybe if it is one of the unique models that has a Fernandes Sustainer pickup then it would, but otherwise NO...

The Talbo has a really individual and cool sound. You won't regret it !!!


G-son said:
Should i call them or have a word before buying overseas? And how do I confirm that?
Well, for the overview it's more difficult, because as mentioned elsewhere these are all Japanese shops which might not export to the U.S. or even don't understand English, at least the person on the phone or reading the emails. So you just have to try your luck and send an email to the given contact address hoping someone will answer.

Buying from ebay sellers is easier of course, because they understand English and also export.

Last but not least there are the "certified" bigger Japanese shops known for their good service to foreign online customers like Ishibashi and Guitar Shop Universe. They don't have any new models of the Gibson copies yet, or at least only the ones that have already been sold. But you might be lucky with an older Talbo of course, so just ask them. You'll find their addresses with the forum search.
How bout Ikebe Guitars? It seems kinda convincing...
Shipping is more likely to be above 100 dollars am i right?
Oh and does anyone have any idea bout cases when buying a tokai talbo, a new one, does it come with a custom case?
G-son said:
How bout Ikebe Guitars? It seems kinda convincing...
Shipping is more likely to be above 100 dollars am i right?
Right, depending on which shop and where you live and if they use insurance or not and if it comes with a case it's somewhere between $100 and $150. And Ikebe is one of the bigger shops, that's right.

Oh and does anyone have any idea bout cases when buying a tokai talbo, a new one, does it come with a custom case?
You could check the 2003-2004 catalog on the main site, because the first pages show the Talbo models and also if a case is included or not (the top models usually come with a case).

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