Heathrow nightmare

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2007
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Helsinki Finland
I spent a nice week in London with my girlfriend, sights, museums, theatre, nice food and ales, and three afternoons on Denmark street playing all the steelstring acoustics I could get my hands on. Finally found what I was looking for, a beautiful Lakewood M-14 CP with B-Band system on it at Hank's. I was even so lucky that it was the last one and after very short negotiation, they agreed to sell it 20% off the tag price, which was already lower than the current list price due to it being a older model. They even adjusted it for my liking and threw in a Hiscox flight case and a set of Elixir's. Still I ended up spending almost double the sum I had planned to (my monthly salary), but after playing 20-30 guitars in various price ranges, I realised that I need a real guitar with solid wood construction and a good preamp system. So I made the deal and left Denmark Street full of bewilderment, pride and enthusiasm mixed with some how-is-she-going-to-take-me-spending-all-my-money-on-another-guitar-again -kind of guilt. Luckily she took it very well. My girl.

Sunday morning came and time to go home arrived. Everything went just smooth untill it was time to claim our luggage in Helsinki. Both of our suitcases with all the dirty clothes were there but no guitar. The clerk at the desk said it was probably going to come on the same evening (there were two more flights coming) so I just tried to swallow my disappointment and so we headed home.

Now it's tuesday morning and after three calls to the lost luggage desk nobody still knows anything about it's whereabouts. And you can probably imagine all the scenarios my head has been going through these past days and nights (stolen, destroyed as a bomb, buried by the snowstorm, fallen from the plane etc.). I know it's pathetic but I'm almost unable to work because I'm so pissed. An all I can do is wait. And knowing the weather situation in London, it can be very long wait even in the best case.

:( :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :( :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry:
I travel a lot with my work and my baggage goes missing all the time! Sometimes I get it next day, sometimes it takes a week, but it has NEVER been lost, so try not to worry too much.

Easier said than done though, I can imagine what you're thinking.
Apologies from England! There's so much that's good about the UK, & London in particular, but I despair of the way that a little snow brings the country grinding to a halt. And Heathrow is such an international embarassment that the solution is.........to enlarge it!


I hope your guitar turns up safe and well very soon.

Thanks guys. No word from Heathrow yet, I called Finnair for maybe sixth time this morning and they said all I can do is wait. It's just that I'm totally broke because of the guitar and not having it in my hands to play and enjoy is just crazy.

But all the stories I have heard about lost luggage have had happy endings so maybe this one will have too.

I can go 2 weeks in Europe or Australia with a carry on bag. It's all in how you pack.

Heathrow is always a nightmare but it's also the gateway to pub-land and the best breakfast ever served.
^ :lol:

ned said:
I can go 2 weeks in Europe or Australia with a carry on bag. It's all in how you pack.

Heathrow is always a nightmare but it's also the gateway to pub-land and the best breakfast ever served.

the english breakfast is a pretty pale imitation of the ulster fry... then again WHO advice is to never eat an ulster fry, ever, so... :lol:
I received the guitar today and other than being quite cold it seemed to be fine. I left it in the case to warm up slowly and hope to play it later to see how it survived the adventure.
Outsider said:
I received the guitar today and other than being quite cold it seemed to be fine. I left it in the case to warm up slowly and hope to play it later to see how it survived the adventure.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I do like a happy ending! At least you will sleep well tonight!
Glad to hear it, Lauri!

Though I have to ask: quite cold? You live in Finland! Did you check it for icicles?
AlanN said:
Though I have to ask: quite cold? You live in Finland! Did you check it for icicles?

No icicles! It was just that I had read all the info about cold damage to acoustic guitars from Lakewood's site, so I was being extra careful not to expose my dear new guitar to a fast rise of temperature. And yes the weather in Helsinki is quite winterish at the moment, snow and icicles.

Played it at a songwriting session tonight and it worked perfectly and sounded bright and big just like it should. I think end well all well. Thanks again for the kind words during my four day horror.

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