anybody ever get RIPPED OFF from a ebay seller?

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2006
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after 10 years of buying used guitars off of ebay( about 30 ) , i just got the junk of my life! i bought one of those copy gibson les pauls (gibsun from china) guitars off a ebay seller ( who has 100% feeback 272 ) . UNBELIEVABLE ! the WORST guitar i have ever played! the guitars they are selling at target blows these things away.
How much was it? You didn't really expect it to be any good did you? I've been really tempted by the 'made in the Tokai factory' strats kikking about for 129 pounds but common sense tells me you get what you pay for.
Some of them are so bad they make a grown man cry.

But others are on par with the real deal. There were at last count, five factorys producing the Les Paul fakes. Two of which mainly make cheapo kids 3/4 acoustics for Argos ( a uk term ).

One of the other produces for unbranded bulk sale in europe and they have knocked out some Les Paul reps that would shame both a Gibson and a Tokai.

Trouble is, you never know what one you are getting. I have one sitting right next to me from a batch we got in last year, behind that is a 2002 Gibson Les Paul Standard.

The Gibson stays in the stand :-?
i paid $250 + $25 shipping. he just refunded my paypal back. he was very cool about it, no hassles. this guitar (it says gibsun) is the worst guitar i have ever played . i cant imagine the quality varying that much on these. even the epiphone les paul blows it away.
magentaplacenta said:
Just so I have this right, you're upset about being a party of known fraud?

I own three law-suit Tokai's. I think that makes me party to three frauds ....
bunbury said:
magentaplacenta said:
Just so I have this right, you're upset about being a party of known fraud?

I own three law-suit Tokai's. I think that makes me party to three frauds ....


Double Standards are abound with Tokai owners :lol:
just trying to tell people how bad these guitars are. there was someone on ebay last week trying to sell one for $900.
benrod said:
just trying to tell people how bad these guitars are. there was someone on ebay last week trying to sell one for $900.

And you're right to do so. It takes courage to say you've been conned and I don't see why you should get a kicking for doing it, especially from people who may well collect guitars with a court record as imposters :wink:

There are a few reasonable chinese fakes. I've got a Gibsun that cost $80 and was worth it. But how you know that you've bought a passable one unill you open the package, i have no idea.

Also, you got your money back! Well Done :D
bunbury said:
magentaplacenta said:
Just so I have this right, you're upset about being a party of known fraud?

I own three law-suit Tokai's. I think that makes me party to three frauds ....

Ah, but you're buying Tokai guitars (completely legal), not a counterfeit Gibson. A bit of difference.
magentaplacenta said:
bunbury said:
magentaplacenta said:
Just so I have this right, you're upset about being a party of known fraud?

I own three law-suit Tokai's. I think that makes me party to three frauds ....

Ah, but you're buying Tokai guitars (completely legal), not a counterfeit Gibson. A bit of difference.

Not really ... the chinese fakes have not (yet) been to court and lost so I suppose that might be a mitigating factor for a buyer. If you started making exact copies of law-suit Tokais Mr Gibson and Mr Fender have legal precedence to stop you.

At this point I need a lawyer. Before I bought my chinese guitars I asked the sellers to confirm they were fake, which both did, so I'm bang-to-rights either way.

here's another nice rip off for a MIK Burny ( "unplayed" but the owner still had the time to change the logo and the truss rod cover! :lol: ) certainly not VH-1 P.U. , not on a rsa-60. And some people are bidding!!!! :roll:
magentaplacenta said:
Ah, but you're buying Tokai guitars (completely legal), .

I would double check that if I were you :wink:

The Intellectual Property Rights law is a minefield. I can tell you for a fact that buying Fender copied parts in the UK can land you in court if UK trading standards wish to take the action.

I know, because I got fined ?400 and my name was splashed all over the local news paper for doing such a deed.

OK the TSO ( trading standars officer ) was a jobsworth and the judge was highly pissed of that the case was taken to court, but I had technically broke a law and the judges hands were tied.

Gibson on the other hand are so slack they make elastic look tight. They have constantly failed to pull up any company for breach of Intellectual Property Rights and although they CLAIM to take action against ebays sellers, it is very rare for them to do so.

( PRS and Tokai are exceptions, but Gibson lost both cases. ) or to be more specific they pulled out of the case with Tokai in Germany.

On the other hand Robyn at Fenders Legal Dept will act on 99% of complaints and have listings removed.

I do pity you buying a lump of firewood but to be honest you hedge your bets and take a chance with anything coming out of China.

In the recent past, I have tried to email potential buyers (bidders) of this **** to ward them off but ebay won't let you contact bidders. I mailed ebay trying to tell them the same thing, especially if it had Gibbo on the headstock. Some got pulled other didn't.

It helps if you do your homework before buying anything from the capitalist reds mate.

As far as I am aware it is almost impossible to sue anything/anyone coming outta China. Lets face it, withing 50 years they are gonna own the *^%ing world.
Just be grateful you weren't on the receiving end of this description of one of the ugliest, fakest crappiest guitars i have ever seen. I wont post the link cos the photos have been taken down (shame). But the seller's pitch is worth reading alone.

BEAUTIFUL VINTAGE - GIBSON? ACOUSTIC GUITAR. I recently purchased 2 guitars for my daughter: this one & an ovation. She has chosen the Ovation as she is young & the Ovation is newer. When I bought this I was told that it is a late 50's - early 60's model. The paint has that streaking you see on good older guitars. I bought it as a Gibson, & have it listed as a Gibson, but I can NOT be sure, with my limited experience, if this is a real Gibson, or not. There is NO serial number that I can find to confirm my purchase. So, look at the pictures & decide for yourself. It is very attractive. It is a rare & lovely color combination of gray & brown. The guitar appears to be in good condition (as pictured). Since I am uncertain due to no serial #, you will probably buy it very cheaply - so, I offer it AS IS. It plays easily & sounds good to me. I have a VERY LOW reserve to just get back SOME of what I paid for this lovely guitar. Check out the pictures for yourself! Thanks for looking!

Not sure but I think it sold for about $200. I swear if someone had given it to me I would have politely refused.
Yea but credit to e-bay for pulling a lot of guitars listed from China:Ive noticed that since after xmas there arnt many listed from China on E-Bay uk :eek: (i think)
My eyes arnt what they used to be ( mum you were right ) :p :p :p :p
eBay have not pulled the listings its just that Chinese listings no longer show up ebay UK.

and UK listings no longer show up in the USA.

Its causing major grief for small ebay biz.

Ebay have done one of there change arounds again at the expense of the UK, the rest of europe is not effected :-?
BillyWizz said:
......again at the expense of the UK, the rest of europe is not effected :-?

Another good reason why I moved to Australia and why thousands of other Brits are leaving the 'Island Empire', to go live on the continent

:D :(
oldflame said:
BillyWizz said:
......again at the expense of the UK, the rest of europe is not effected :-?

Another good reason why I moved to Australia and why thousands of other Brits are leaving the 'Island Empire', to go live on the continent

:D :(

I dont blame you.

The UK is the shitehole of the planet. Full of scum sucking low life Chavs and sponging fuckwits beeding the country dry.

The Police spend most of there time nicking people for speeding while muggings, shootings and rape goes un-noticed.

The UK towns on a weekend turn into a free for all piss up with retarded British men who cannot handle there drink thinking there MIke Tyson. The UK women get pissed up and start showing everyone there arse and tits ( plus excess body fat ).

The UK is the walt on the end of a smegged up cock, a right royal shithole.

You did well to get out and live in Oz where they control imigration :wink: . I wish the UK had the same balls.