1986 Greco RR-55

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Aug 23, 2010
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Hello.. I bought this guitar last week, and i was wondering if you could help me fully indentify it..

it's an RR model I guess, but is it a 65 or a 55?

the stickers and the serialnumber under the pickups seems to have vanished during potting...
I am lead to believe that the pups are original, but are they Dry's or Screamin?









i am not sure if a 1986 RR 55 model would have feb ,,,, but the pickups are greco for sure but after 86/87 the stoped useing the sticker on the pickups :D :D ,,,,,,,b?t the best way to id the pickup ...is to test the magnets , if the are ceramic the are screaming 1982 ,,,, but if they are alnico they may be dry 1982 :D :D
looks like a nice guitar ,,,, :D :D :D :D
all the best
muccax said:
"i am not sure if a 1986 RR 55 model would have feb"

stoped useing the sticker on the pickups..

test the magnets

Hi!:) thanks for replying.

What do you mean by "feb"?

I think the stickers fell off during the waxing-process..

How do you test if it's ceramic or alnico?:)
and i dont think the stickers fell of ,,,, the did not have any in the later part of the 80 ... and by feb ... i mean ,,,,fret end bindings
and you need to have a instrument to test ohm with .
and then you test the magnets (you dont have to remove the magnets in the pickups),,, if it is lower like 1 to 10 ohm it is alnico
if it is mega ohm ,,,, then it is ceramic
alnico is some kind of metal ,,,, ceramic is not :D :D
hope you understand what i mean ,,, i can write english but not easy to explain what i mean .
:D :D :D :D
ok:) thank you.. i guess i will try that:)

So if it's Dry 82s it's a RR65, and if it's Screaming 82s it's a RR55 right?
look here ,,,,, i think there was a RR95 model .... look here
all the best
Test the magnets?.. i just tested the DC resistance through the pickups:)

not what I was supposed to do?:S
and no ,,,,,, maybe i am not the best one to explain it to you ....
but you must put the test wire on the magnet in both ends ,,,, an see how much ohm your instrument shows ,,,, if it is 1-100 ohm then it is alnico
if it shows mega ohm it is ceramic ,,,, alnico is made from some kind off metal ,,,, ceramic is not
i am not sure i explain it the right way ,,,, but maybe someone else can do a better job explain it
all the best
Ok.. I'm not sure I understand exactly how to do it, cause I'm afraid I don't know THAT much about pickups:p hehe.. but I will try to find out:) Thank you for the help!:)
Yes it does have some 45 degree stripes:)

Just fitted it with a black pickguard and vintage gold pickupcovers today..
will upload photos later:)

This guitar is SO beautiful with the pickguard and pupcovers! I love it!:D
He must have went through a Stryper or Van Halen phase with it and put tape on it haha. Ah who cares, it is a killer guitar and adds to the history and stories it has to tell :)
I did say I would upload photos LATER 🙃

So I bought this back today!

The back of the neck has been sanded down, the switch, 2 pots and the tune-o-matic has been changed since I had it last.

The guitar is still as heavy, still plays as smooth, and it still doesn’t sound amazing :) I ordered some Alnico 3 magnets to swap with the ceramics.

Oh, and it still has the cute stripes :cool: