How to tell a fake tokai

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Because i can't. Now i know how badly made this guitar is, it puts me off it, also knowing its a veneer, its little things that bug me. i want a guitar to feel right when im playing it :) do know that the price for a solid top opposed to a veneer is ridiculous don't you?
I own a MiJ LS80 from 1985 with a veneer and it's hands down THE best guitar I've ever owned bar none...and I've owned Fenders,Gibsons, Hamers and countless fancy schmancy pointy '80's guitars like Kramers and Jacksons.
I really think the only difference between a veneer and a solid top is in the head of their owners..snooty snobby bastidz 8)
I also own a MiC Tokai SG43 and it's pretty decent guitar for not a lot of cash.'s not going to be setting the world on fire with it's build quality but it was a cheap guitar that STILL beats the Chinese Epiphone equivalent in looks and playability that cost half the price of an Epi.
If you were sold this guitar as MiJ via Ebay for a lot of cash then I'd understand your resentment of it better...but man...if you bought this cheaply then you got what you paid for.
stratman323 said:
OK Chris, it's fake! :wink:

Serial numbers on the MIC stuff seem to vary - maybe they were made in different factories? Lots of the Korean LRs didn't have serial numbers at all!

The serial of my MiC SG 8)
Notice the same ****** green tuners?
It looks like there are at least two different series of MIC "Tokai" guitars widely marketed in UK. E.g. Rictone is marketing the series with serialnumbers CHxxxxxxxx and with Text "Made In China".

Then there seem to be this other series with much shorter serial numbers xxxxxx, totally different hardware and also with inferior craftmanship in my opinion. I have only seen the first series Tokais in Finland.

I would avoid the latter ones.

Ozeshin said:

The serial of my MiC SG 8)
Notice the same ****** green tuners?

You should get yourself some Gotoh SD90 machine heads Ozeshin, much better quality and better looking than those green things, mine only cost about $50 and slot straight in, use a small G clamp to seat the new collars.

Mine has no serial number or Made in China on the headstock
Okay, So I'm not "snobby" because if i was im sure i would already have a Japanese, Or even a gibson.

In the post it didnt say anything about the guitar, no info on the model, where it was made... It didn't say anything. I had to research what it was and i still didn't get any results.

The guy refused pickup, but he was in ireland and im not about to go to ireland for a ?400 guitar so this didnt bother me.

And yes, The veneer thing is "in my head" because its just... all through our house we have gibsons and fenders and there isnt anything fake about them, so... it puts me off.
chris945 wrote:
all through our house we have gibsons and fenders and there isnt anything fake about them, so... it puts me off.

:eek: ? :roll:

My dad has a Gibson 335, A Gibson Blueshawk (A BEAST), Fender Tele From sometime in the 70's, a Fender strat, another strat, and a few other things... like a 69 fender P Bass ;)

And they are all genuine and stuff, so makes me feel crap :)

I am selling the Chinese sometime soon, Gonna buy a Japanese one, better build quality, all round good guitar basically :)

Anyone in the UK wanna buy it :D
chris945 said:
Okay, So I'm not "snobby" because if i was im sure i would already have a Japanese, Or even a gibson.

In the post it didnt say anything about the guitar, no info on the model, where it was made... It didn't say anything. I had to research what it was and i still didn't get any results.

The guy refused pickup, but he was in ireland and im not about to go to ireland for a ?400 guitar so this didnt bother me.

And yes, The veneer thing is "in my head" because its just... all through our house we have gibsons and fenders and there isnt anything fake about them, so... it puts me off.
About 5 times a day we see buyers lob in this forum who COULD have asked their questions BEFORE they bought the guitar but instead..come here and do as you've done...bought the guitar and then get the answer they didn't want.
A post with the auction link would have gotten the job done and we wouldn't need this thread :-?
Sorry if I seem to be coming of as harsh...but it really is buyer beware.
The forums are here to advise people BEFORE they do anything rash...not hold their hands AFTER they make a mistake.
I didnt know about this forum before i bought it, i found it like three days ago... ive had the guitars for 3 weeks. So sorry :S
Yet...if you google Tokai I believe we're the number 2 and 3 hit on the very first Google page.
Look...I'm not so much as having a go at you as pointing out that ALL the people at these forums do research on EVERY guitar purchase we make(God bless Google and Wiki)...the info was there.
I'd still like to see the auction link to see how this guy advertised the guitar...just out of curiosity. :D
No i mean i didnt know the website was such an information based thing. i though it was just forums with people who owned tokais.

Ill find the auction link later
i though it was just forums with people who owned tokais.
"And talk crap all day"...yep...that's us :D
The auction links not urgent...just curious to see how the guy worded it. :wink:
You know what i mean, people with forums talk about stuff they've done. Sorry for expecting it to be normal...

I will find it. He didn't have much info on it like i said, he sounds like a bit of a loser to be honest.
chris945 said:
haha, well the Tele weighs a tonne, so I'm guessing its not chipboard ;)

Oh no, chipboard is pretty heavy. ;)

70s Fenders are part of the reason Tokai existed in the way it did from '79 onwards!