Gold Goldie

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I saw this on eBay, & I felt it calling to me:

so I bid & won it. Not a bad price, though postage is rather expensive. It will be interesting to see how it compares to my other two rosewood board Goldstars.

Looking through the 1985 catalogue, I assume it must be GM - Gold Metallic. And if it is GM, it must be an ST55, as they were the only Goldies in that colour. I'm not sure that I agree with the seller that it's Shoreline Gold, I reckon GM looks closer to Aztec Gold, but I have always found the Fender golds a bit confusing. Does anyone have any views on the nearest equivalent Fender colour?

Anyway, hopefully I should get it early next week.


I agree that if it plays well, you've done very nicely. Not a common color!
Postage is probably why you got it at that price :wink: as buyers were put off :lol:.Not my colour though,but a great buy. :wink:
The green one is on long term loan to a mate - those shiny maple boards really don't suit me, so I rarely played it, but I'm reluctant to sell it.

I just chased up the seller of the gold one - he tells me it will be sent out tomorrow, so I should have it on Friday. So five days after I bought and paid for it, it still hasn't been posted. :evil: Not impressive for ?35.
It didn't arrive yesterday, & the seller hasn't replied to my messages.

Looks like a seller to avoid. :evil:
stratman323 said:
Specially for ?35 postage....

Saying that, he could have been genuinely tied up with something else, but you're right, if he's charging ?35 he should do better!!
stratman323 said:
I just chased up the seller of the gold one - he tells me it will be sent out tomorrow, so I should have it on Friday. So five days after I bought and paid for it, it still hasn't been posted. :evil: Not impressive for ?35.

there is no reason any seller should not ship within 48 hours of receipt of a cleared payment
It arrived today. :p Here's a family pic with my two Goldstar ST50s:


I was wrong about the colour - it's very different to Aztec Gold. If Aztec is gold, Tokais metallic is GOLD. Not eactly subtle. :eek: I remain to be convinced about the colour, but time will tell. I don't think Fender ever did a gold quite as bright and yellow as this, unless somebody knows different?

I have a Fender in Aztec Gold:



First pic with flash, second without - it makes quite a difference. The closest colour I know of is the Gibson Goldtop gold, as on my LS85S:


The Love Rock's colour is classier though, IMHO.

It's strange that the 55 sticker (what else could it be?) has gone, but the MIJ sticker remains


Pickups are V1, as on my maple board ST55. The ST50s have Us. Does this make the ST55s 1985, while the ST50s were 1984?


The electronics looked as though the scratchplate had been in place for a long time - possibly never removed till today.

The body code seems to have been painted over, though it looks original:



It looks as though the code is under a strip of paint which should have been removed, but wasn't in this case - does anyone know if that's how they painted the bodies?

Doesn't seem to be much fret wear, even though the numbers have worn off the knobs. It feels about the same weight as the white one, the black one is heavier. And before MIJ asks, I can't see any joins in the body, so I don't know how many pieces it is. Maybe you could tell, but I'm afraid I can't!

So, as far as I can tell, it looks like it's all original. Any comments? Any info on bits I might have missed?

Full pics here, if anyone wants them:
stratman323 said:
And before MIJ asks, I can't see any joins in the body, so I don't know how many pieces it is. Maybe you could tell, but I'm afraid I can't!

I wouldn't worry about that; just be glad that no one gave you shizzle for taking it to bits :lol:

don't let that little piece of tape hurt you when you try & take it off :wink:
Well I had to take it to bits to put in an extra shim, & to wire it with master tone - standard Strat wiring is one of Leo's few mistakes, IMHO.

I wondered about peeling what looked like tape off, but I thought I would leave it for now - I've never seen one like that before. Clearly you have. 8)

The pickups? Well I haven't had long to play it today, but the readings of the V1s are around 5.8/5.9K, while the Us are around 6.1k. So the V1s are about half way between the Es & the Us. The Us are the "hot" pickups of the Tokai range, from what I have seen, despite what some people claim.

The V1s seem brighter than the Us, and possibly more vintage correct, though MIJ Strat pickups do tend to be on the bright side. The Us have that slighter fatter tone that I tend to prefer, specially on the bridge pickup. But it's not a big difference, they're both perfectly decent pickups.

On balance, the white one is still winning. But it's a slight difference, Goldies seem more consistent than a lot of Strats are. If only they were nitro, I wouldn't need anything else.....