Momose experts wanted... does anyone have a pic of the back of Momose humbuckers? Do they have a Momose branding of any kind? @guitar hiro , can you guess why I am asking this question?
Thats good. I am swapping in the original pickups from the MES that you and I have a joint history on, and there are no markings. Here is one pictured next to a Seventy Seven AL255, a fine pickup in its own right.only Momose humbuckers I have seen the bases are the Beano pups and they have no marking of any type and no wax film
Thats good. I am swapping in the original pickups from the MES that you and I have a joint history on, and there are no markings. Here is one pictured next to a Seventy Seven AL255, a fine pickup in its own right.
Yes, correct. Neck- is 7.26, Bridge is 8.1