J Prefix Made In Korea Inked Serial Numbers

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May 14, 2012
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Korean Rickenbacker 12 string clone?

With serial number?







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This might be of interest, if not seen before https://www.stillkickinmusic.com/blogs/still-kickin-blog/the-serial-bowl
I looked through that site but don't see anything on Tokai.

Do you recognize that pattern of serial number on a Tokai?

I don't recognise it at all. One reason for the above link was to see other variants using J suffix and maybe finding out which factory. There's way too many of them and the Chinese factories are on the increase too!

One ser search gives fujgen 82 acoustic :roll:
One thing I have noticed is that the Korean guitars with serial numbers, aside from the Fakais which we suspect were made in China, do not seem to follow an apparent year built scheme like the Chinese builds...

It is very tempting to say that the ones that follow a year built scheme are likely Chinese, like the FC serial numbers and even the Fakais.

Speculation, but interesting trend since the J serial ones do not seem to directly relate to an obvious year built number.


mdvineng said:
I don't recognise it at all. One reason for the above link was to see other variants using J suffix and maybe finding out which factory. There's way too many of them and the Chinese factories are on the increase too!

One ser search gives fujgen 82 acoustic :roll:

Yep, Fujigen used to use a letter for the month then the year. J = October.
Interesting. But in the late 70s and early 80s Fujigen used a different scheme.

1975–1986 Letter (A–L) + 6 digits
Example: G770544
The letter represent the month of manufacture (A=January B=February... L=December)
The first 2 digits represent the year (77=1977)
The last 4 digits are the consecutive production number for that month. (0544)
Serial number G770544 is therefore the 544th guitar built in July 1977.

1987–1996 Letter + 6 digits
Example: F529157
The letter indicates in which factory in Japan the guitar was manufactured. During this period, three different companies were produced.
F = FujiGen Gakki in Nagano (1987–1996).
I = Iida Gakki in Nagoya (1988–1992).
H or T = Terada Musical Instrument Co. Ltd. in Nagoya (1988–1996).
It is claimed that the H is the initial of the first name of the at that time director of the company, Haruo Terada.
The first digit shows the last digit of the year. (7=1987 to 6=1996)
The last 5 digits is the production number which is increased by 5000 each month. Starting in January with 00001.
Serial number F529157 is here the 29157th guitar of 1995, made in
June by FujiGen Gakki.

"About 2 years ago I bought a Tokai Tele in the style of a Black Telecaster Custom. The headstock says made in Korea and the serial number starts with J310. The guitar plays, looks and sounds great but out of curiosity I wanted to find out more about it but cannot locate any info on it.

Here's the other odd part, the neck says Tokai "Goldstar Sound", it's the USA design headstock and is narrow like a tele not wide like a strat. i.e. similar to the Breezysound or ATE headstocks. The neck is a fat C shape with 21 frets and from all angles this guitar looks brand new. No marks, scratches or fret wear of any kind."

Help finding info on a Tokai Tele Custom
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