Hello from Tokai player in England

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May 4, 2024
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Hi, great to be here, seems to be a lot of participation and information.

I have a Tokai Love Rock guitar which I am about to start another round of playing. Amongst other things, I had some flood damage to recover from over the past twelve months or so. I have always been a bit stop start so this doesn't amount to any significantly new direction in life. Thankfully my Love Rock was safe in its case in unaffected location.

After reading through various threads on the forum, I aren't sure whether I have a genuine or a fake instrument and my playing/equipment isn't that good for me to be able to distinguish either way. But for the record the serial no. back of headstock is: CH15001372 ('Made in China' sticker on base of neck at rear). I was told at purchase by respected dealer that is was made in Korea! I was actually looking for a Gibson then but he didn't stock them. I tried it out, particularly liked how it felt in my hands plus the substantial weight. As I already alluded; my ear is not that good but sounded okay to me, also first time anybody listening seemed to think my playing sounded okay which helped enormously. So Tokai ticked the boxes and into the bargain saved me about half of what I was expecting to lay out. I have enjoyed playing this guitar more than any other electric.

Other than the set of strings that came with this Tokai, I have always used Daddario but some time ago developed difficulty in obtaining them. I have a couple of packs left but unless I can obtain these regularly I will be looking at the next best or even better alternative if there is one. Any recommendations seriously considered. Not yet located a specific folder/thread but not looked extensively yet either so heads up on that front appreciated too. I have also packs of Rotosound and Gibson that I got to try out on another (Hohner Marlin) guitar although never got around to that yet. I originally played Ernie Ball strings on that guitar before I quit playing many years ago after unfulfilled projects, stand in slots and basic level hobby before restarting about 20 years ago. I wouldn't want to go back to Ernie Ball - no offence intended as I know many players do like those strings.

Just occasional hobby now, nothing serious but respect those who are and like to hear of success stories.

I don't have a stack anymore just a couple of practise amps as I live in an apartment/flat. I prefer the sound through the headphones but this isn't always what I want to be doing.

The next phase/option I am considering is connecting up through my laptop. I have next to zero knowledge in that direction but noticed there is a thread here which I will at least read up on ASAP. Once again, basic pointers appreciated also.

Thanks anybody who takes the time to read and happy playing to all.
Welcome. And I have to make note that you said you got your guitar from a “respected” dealer that told you the guitar was made in Korea even thought it had a "Made In China" sticker on it. Not so sure how respectable that dealer is or maybe they just can’t read. I would do business elsewhere.

As you saw in the thread on the CH serial numbers, CH Serial Numbers that Look Odd Suspicious Fake the ones from 2015 like yours are most likely counterfeit. If you can post pictures that would help sort that out.

And strings are easy to come by if you have the internet. You should easily be able to order them online and have them delivered to your door.

Good luck with your pursuits.
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Hi, great to be here, seems to be a lot of participation and information.

I have a Tokai Love Rock guitar which I am about to start another round of playing. Amongst other things, I had some flood damage to recover from over the past twelve months or so. I have always been a bit stop start so this doesn't amount to any significantly new direction in life. Thankfully my Love Rock was safe in its case in unaffected location.

After reading through various threads on the forum, I aren't sure whether I have a genuine or a fake instrument and my playing/equipment isn't that good for me to be able to distinguish either way. But for the record the serial no. back of headstock is: CH15001372 ('Made in China' sticker on base of neck at rear). I was told at purchase by respected dealer that is was made in Korea! I was actually looking for a Gibson then but he didn't stock them. I tried it out, particularly liked how it felt in my hands plus the substantial weight. As I already alluded; my ear is not that good but sounded okay to me, also first time anybody listening seemed to think my playing sounded okay which helped enormously. So Tokai ticked the boxes and into the bargain saved me about half of what I was expecting to lay out. I have enjoyed playing this guitar more than any other electric.

Other than the set of strings that came with this Tokai, I have always used Daddario but some time ago developed difficulty in obtaining them. I have a couple of packs left but unless I can obtain these regularly I will be looking at the next best or even better alternative if there is one. Any recommendations seriously considered. Not yet located a specific folder/thread but not looked extensively yet either so heads up on that front appreciated too. I have also packs of Rotosound and Gibson that I got to try out on another (Hohner Marlin) guitar although never got around to that yet. I originally played Ernie Ball strings on that guitar before I quit playing many years ago after unfulfilled projects, stand in slots and basic level hobby before restarting about 20 years ago. I wouldn't want to go back to Ernie Ball - no offence intended as I know many players do like those strings.

Just occasional hobby now, nothing serious but respect those who are and like to hear of success stories.

I don't have a stack anymore just a couple of practise amps as I live in an apartment/flat. I prefer the sound through the headphones but this isn't always what I want to be doing.

The next phase/option I am considering is connecting up through my laptop. I have next to zero knowledge in that direction but noticed there is a thread here which I will at least read up on ASAP. Once again, basic pointers appreciated also.

Thanks anybody who takes the time to read and happy playing to all.
I agree with @Sigmania that I wouldn’t trust the shop you bought your tokai from as far as I could throw your tokai!
But nonetheless, I don’t know where in the U.K. you are (I’m in Hampshire) but andertons and gak are great shops both online and in the flesh to get strings and headphone amp solutions from.

I swing between daddario and fender pure nickel strings, always have done and can’t honestly tell the difference. I just always get either and get the cheapest of the two. I’ve not struggled to find daddario strings recently but if I did I’d just get fender pure nickel.

As far as non amplified amplifier solutions, I’ve had a few ‘pedal amps’ which are as far as I can work out just digital pre amps that you can either send to a power amp or play through headphones. They’re good, but a bit weird to get used to if you are used to a real amplifier.

The absolute best non amplified amp I’ve had has been a laney lionheart studio, it’s a little 5w valve head but with silent DI out and a headphone out. There are a couple of laneys that do this now, I think there’s one called a super cub and also a more expensive LA studio… I’ve only personally tried the lionheart L5 studio and thought it was excellent.

This forum is an unrivalled source of information, it’s worth sticking around. and although I fear it may be (figuratively) torn apart we would love to see your tokai love rock. No matter what anyone says, if you like it and are happy with it then that’s all that matters.

All the best and greetings from fleet in Hampshire
Welcome. And I have to make note that you said you got your guitar from a “respected” dealer that told you the guitar was made in Korea even thought it had a "Made In China" sticker on it. Not so sure how respectable that dealer is or maybe they just can’t read. I would do business elsewhere.

As you saw in the thread on the CH serial numbers, CH Serial Numbers that Look Odd Suspicious Fake the ones from 2015 like yours are most likely counterfeit. If you can post pictures that would help sort that out.

And strings are easy to come by if you have the internet. You should easily be able to order them online and have them delivered to your door.

Good luck with your pursuits.
Hi Sigmania. Thanks for quick straight to the point response. The dealer I bought my Tokai from retired around 18-24 months ago. The guy he sold the shop to has already gone out of business but did tell me the old fella used to come in and help for free and also did a couple of repairs for me without charging so he was maybe just getting slack with age rather than ripping people off. I had pointed out 'Made in China' later after not even spotting that little sticker myself so I have hardly room to criticise. He seemed genuinely surprised at that information.

Long story short though; after reading your CH Serial Numbers...thread I am now leaning further in the same direction as yourself that this is most likely a fake instrument. It will be interesting if some information comes to light about precise location of production of CH numbers. Hopefully it all turns out legitimate.

I will keep persevering with the photos, no problem. My camera is basic and picks up a lot of exposure that even after editing the photos most often have to be deleted. Not sure I want to invest in a new quality digital camera yet as it would rarely get used but I will give it some thought. I have a couple of distance shots of the Tokai Love Rock that I will post if I can't improve on that but the initial attempts at snapping the serial number were too blurred to clearly make out.
I agree with @Sigmania that I wouldn’t trust the shop you bought your tokai from as far as I could throw your tokai!
But nonetheless, I don’t know where in the U.K. you are (I’m in Hampshire) but andertons and gak are great shops both online and in the flesh to get strings and headphone amp solutions from.

I swing between daddario and fender pure nickel strings, always have done and can’t honestly tell the difference. I just always get either and get the cheapest of the two. I’ve not struggled to find daddario strings recently but if I did I’d just get fender pure nickel.

As far as non amplified amplifier solutions, I’ve had a few ‘pedal amps’ which are as far as I can work out just digital pre amps that you can either send to a power amp or play through headphones. They’re good, but a bit weird to get used to if you are used to a real amplifier.

The absolute best non amplified amp I’ve had has been a laney lionheart studio, it’s a little 5w valve head but with silent DI out and a headphone out. There are a couple of laneys that do this now, I think there’s one called a super cub and also a more expensive LA studio… I’ve only personally tried the lionheart L5 studio and thought it was excellent.

This forum is an unrivalled source of information, it’s worth sticking around. and although I fear it may be (figuratively) torn apart we would love to see your tokai love rock. No matter what anyone says, if you like it and are happy with it then that’s all that matters.

All the best and greetings from fleet in Hampshire
Hi, I am in West Yorkshire. I have seen a few review videos from Andertons which I assume is the same business you are referring to. I will bear them in mind as it seems inevitable I shall be buying my strings online from now on. Strings Direct seem to have good delivery arrangements/options and so far as I can see quite a wide range including, crucially, Daddoria. So it is not like I am absolutely stuck just had so many issues with couriers otherwise over the last few years - I tend to look for companies who use DPD or APC and buy in bulk to reduce the charge for express delivery getting that peace of mind I have learned to appreciate. Not bought Fender strings before but I have a Takamine and they were probably what was on it originally so again, thanks for that pointer also.

I have seen a lot of Laneys, the dealer I bought the Tokai from used to stock those, seem popular. My stack way back was a 100 Watt Sound City and yes dropping down to practise amps through headphones seemed wierd to me too. I have a 10 watt Marshall I got just short of 20 years ago which works okay when focussing on Gain but not much else and has become a bit crackly sounding with age. Less used and more recent acquisition is a Vox VX II that is far more interesting/complex although yeah seriously wierd and not as comfortable to operate with the headphones.

Plenty here to keep me interested.
That makes more sense, that he was nearing retirement and not paying as much attention to details.

As for the CH serial numbers, the font used strongly indicates it not being legitimate. Its the sort of standard type face you might get for any business application rather than one designed to be stamped on thousands of guitars.

There is a thread on the “Legacy Series” which from my memory had a similar font. Those were unauthorized guitars ordered by a distributor without the approval of Tokai. He went rogue and then lost his affiliation with Tokai.

But if you like the guitar that’s all that matters. I would just disclose what you know if you ever sell it.
I haven't had much chance to work on the photos during this last few weeks nor have I even got into playing my Tokai again although I have definitely decided to experiment with online playback/recording - the next stage being to read up and acquire necessary equipment/apps etc. There was a freebie package with my Vox practice amp so I will probably start there if it is still available.

In the meantime these are the best of a not so good set of photos taken at different times so apologies for the variable quality. I just didn't want folk to think I was being lazy after they replied to my intro then going silent:


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