Reborn Old Tokai Electric Guitars
Navigating the swaying sound waves requires a wide range of reliable techniques and a rich sensitivity. We want you to learn how to play all types of guitar and explore new musical possibilities. We meet the demands of guitarists with our lineup of acoustic models from CE800 to TE85N and ST 80GS. In other words, the TE85N is a ``big bridge'' that connects acoustic guitars and electric guitars. The CE800 and ST80GS sit at the extremes, each asserting its individuality. I hope that he will be able to play these three songs without fail and show us a new musical horizon. Let me hear the shocking sound. Tokai Electric Guitar Project challenges new musical possibilities with guitarists
Navigating the swaying sound waves requires a wide range of reliable techniques and a rich sensitivity. We want you to learn how to play all types of guitar and explore new musical possibilities. We meet the demands of guitarists with our lineup of acoustic models from CE800 to TE85N and ST 80GS. In other words, the TE85N is a ``big bridge'' that connects acoustic guitars and electric guitars. The CE800 and ST80GS sit at the extremes, each asserting its individuality. I hope that he will be able to play these three songs without fail and show us a new musical horizon. Let me hear the shocking sound. Tokai Electric Guitar Project challenges new musical possibilities with guitarists