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  1. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    The nut isn't glued to the neck.. it just comes off loose.. might have to fix it.. about 4.2cm wide, 0.5cm deep and 1cm high
  2. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    The only other Burny with a similar truss rod I could find is a 1982 LG 135 Neal Schon signature but it came with a floyd rose bridge
  3. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    Thanks.. or maybe the tuners were replaced .. the other things that seems odd is the black pickup rings and pick guard.. my guess is they might have been cream originally
  4. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    And the guitar is quite heavy at about 4.250 kgs if that helps.. thanks!
  5. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    Is it possible that the pots were manufactured in 1983 but the guitar was made later? What's confusing is that the guitar features parts from various years.. Double ring tuners (81-82?) Low script logo (83-?) Green capacitors (87-89?) Pots (83?) Black finish (85-?) Single screw TRC (?) Black...
  6. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    Few more pics it that helps
  7. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    Thanks for the reply.. I took a pic of the pots it that helps
  8. R

    Burny with single screw truss rod cover

    Hi, looking for help to identify this Burny.. the truss rod cover has a single screw.. there is a single screw hole on the headstock. Could not find any info at all.. the only info I gathered is Edwards has single screw truss rod cover but nothing on Burny.