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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2007
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London Gabe.
Probably is Mike. A knowledgeable gent from my experience meeting him at a get together in Leeds and reading his previous forum comments.
iainblack said:
From his gruff response to the query I would say yes :D
Well, Iain, I'd say 'straight', rather than 'gruff' (though I note your smiley). Mike's straightness seems to have been what some others have found difficult to deal with.
Mike came round to my house as few years back to compare goldtops. He is a very nice guy and I miss his contributions to this forum.
Johny642000 said:
Mike came round to my house as few years back to compare goldtops. He is a very nice guy and I miss his contributions to this forum.

Yep, was a great guy on here - did a hell of a lot towards assisting people to get info about Tokais.

Definitely missed.

If you read this Mike, hope everything is going great with you! :)
I really respect Mike's knowledge on guitars and also miss his contribution to taking us forward in our understanding of Tokai. I suppose my light hearted comment was reflecting on my opinion that his straight approach comes across as 'attack mode' via email (I've seen it on other forums recently).

Couple that with the fact that he is blanking me after he pulled all his photos from my Tokai book (half the content) after the work I put in to creating it. This was due to him severing all ties with the forum. I hope Mike is reading this as I did print a test copy of the book with his guitars in it at my own expense and would be happy to send it to him as a record of his fine collection.
Well, he did have a couple of triggers that would upset him big style.

One was any mention of "lawsuit"
(fair enough because there never was a lawsuit)

It's a shame about the pictures for your book, but unfortunately there are occasionally times when a man has to take a stand on something, and whatever the reasons were it seems like that's what happened.
Yeah, I'm over it now and think we got a better book in the end (80 pages). On the lawsuit, the jury is still out:

quote from paul Bacon Squier book:

'Billboard reported one such action: "Following an earlier warning issued by the Fender / Rodgers / Rhodes division of CBS instruments, US Customs agents recently seized two shipments of guitars illegally using the Fender headstocks and shipped to San Francisco from Japan".

It does not say who's product it was though.

Further: Fender's distributors in the UK and Germany threatened Tokai's trade outlets in those countries with similar moves. "But it was such an overwhelming situation that we couldn't fight it only with legal means" recalls Roger Balmer, Fender's new head of marketing and sales. "We had to take other steps"

and that is how Fender JV and Squier was born
mirrorboy said:
There WAS an actual lawsuit. In Finland, Gibson vs Tokai. :p

Is there a transcript and translation that you know of? What was the issue?

Did it actually go to court? Most people, me included, think of "there was a lawsuit against Tokai" or "Tokai were sued" as meaning Tokai got taken to court and have a judgement against them.

I realise there have been several threats made, but that's not what I mean.
JVsearch said:
mirrorboy said:
There WAS an actual lawsuit. In Finland, Gibson vs Tokai. :p

Is there a transcript and translation that you know of? What was the issue?

Did it actually go to court? Most people, me included, think of "there was a lawsuit against Tokai" or "Tokai were sued" as meaning Tokai got taken to court and have a judgement against them.

I realise there have been several threats made, but that's not what I mean.

Hey mate, I only used to mention the lawsuits to wind up my good friend and former Tokai forum member stratman323 (and all the other "lawsuit" deniers) :)
Forgive me for the mistake in my previous post in this thread. The actual lawsuit was Gibson v Musamaailma Oy (the Tokai distributor for Finland) over the use of the Les Paul trademark and Gibson lost.

If you want a genuine Gibson v Tokai case, here you go
GIBSON GUITAR CORP. v. TOKAI GAKKI COMPANY, LTD. (M.D.Tenn. 2-6-2007)NO. 3:04-0449.February 6, 2007
In accordance with the Memorandum filed herewith, Tokai's motion to set aside the default judgment (Docket Entry No. 49) is DENIED. Upon review of the file, there are not any further matters before the Court.
2007 is not the year most people think of as being from the "lawsuit" years but a lawsuit is a lawsuit.
Isn't denier the tensile strength of fabric?

I've found that the term lawsuit is often used in ebay listings by people that have no clue..... sometimes I'll ask them to explain what the lawsuit thingy is all about - the replies are comical ("Japan got sued by the US Supreme Court for trade infingement" - an actual reply)
I dunno ya come on here try to edumacate folks with solid facts and it always ends in tears :cry:

p.s. there never was a lawsuit over Pearl Harbour 8)